Are you Happier?

Why would she be happy? How can she be happy? What the hell... is really going on?! No... I'm probably just bad at reading expressions. That's all.

Alfie's trembling hand rose up to touch her own face, but then accelerated into a slap. Underneath her breath, she whispered something to herself. I tried to read her lips, "Don't be so hopeful," was my best guess.

Sometimes I need to remind myself I met this lady a couple of days ago. It feels like I've already spent so much time with her.

I stood there perplexed, partly paralysed from the uncomfortable feeling until Alfie snapped out of her world and grabbed my hand, "He's distracted. Let's go stuff our face while we can."

She wore a half-hearted smile while dragging me away. My face tried to look back, but if I looked back. If I saw him with a scared expression. If the peak of humanity trembles before them... what's holding me back from running away?

I'm an impulsive idiot I know that, but I also know when to run when it's my life on the line.

If I had to guess, I'm a little bit stronger than him in general. Only a little bit though, the gap's too narrow for my own comfort. Even so... he doesn't stand a chance against whatever's coming.

I... won't look back. I can't. I don't wanna run away anymore. Been avoiding the subject of redemption, but... I don't wanna be the bad guy anymore.

The lingering feeling of dread and pain in my chest hasn't gone away. The screams I'd hear in my dreams play faintly at the back of my head. My hands feel tired from grasping something in denial.

Am I that scared of them? It's not like me.

"A storm's coming..." I muttered to Alfie. She senses it too, but she looks so calm...

Take in a deep breath... stay calm. I continued on, being dragged by Alfie, "It's too run. We'll get caught in it anyways. We should just try to stay in the eye of the storm,"

The guard shouted out Alfie's title as we arrive inside the ballroom. Everywhere I looked was extravagantly decorated with flowers and gold. Leon, the second most powerful kingdom in the known world. Filled with riches unimaginable...

Everyone holding themselves with elegance, ignorant elegance. They have no idea what's coming. Seems like not even Shin realizes what's going on yet. Ignorance is bliss for now.

We should just enjoy the banquet and go.

Walking around, I got separated from Alfie in the crowd. Everyone's talking in such a fancy manner about topics I've never even heard of. Politics this drama that, like hell would I know that stuff. Just let me roll charisma check and deception nat 20 please if any one of these strangers tries to talk to me.

As I drown in the sea of strangers, I finally found Alfie surrounded by a bunch of people. There seems to be a lot of people awaiting the chance to converse with her about weaponry and combat... that's what I'd rather talk about... damn famous adventurers.

At that moment, a giant in gold sneezed from afar. Wait for a second... Actaeon?

I slipped through the crowd to go see him. Somehow his golden armour felt even shinier to the point where I'd have to quint to make his facial features out. Almost like it was a different set of armo-


On his chest plate was a red gem the size of my palm. To the blind eye, it'd just look like another decoration, but if you can focus on it and look through basic deceptive enchantments, you'd see a radiant glow shining brighter than the golden sun. It's totally a support item...

Goldy was going easy on me... WASN'T HE? I'll sneak up on him and whisper 'freeze' just for that... maybe he got some PTSD our last encounter...

Slowly stepping to him, I accidentally bumped into someone else. Someone else with a familiar scent.

"My apologies, sir," I looked up to see if I'd recognize the person or not, but when I stared at him, my brain all becomes blank. Enchantment. So that's how it works...

"Nah, it's cool," The way he spoke, softly, friendly. Realizing how I was just staring blankly like a blind person without glasses, I looked down to find that in the process of pushing him back a bit, I also splashed his suit with wine.

Oh no... I hate this. Why am I still here? Just to suffer? I don't have those handkerchiefs people in fantasies do...

"Is there a way I can repay for that shirt?" It looks expensive...

"It's really fine, miss. You remind me of my friend too much. I can't get mad at her," The boy started to chuckle to ease up the formality of this conversation.

His voice's really familiar...

Who speaks like that?

"Seems my mask became damp too... can't do much about that," He took off his mask for a few seconds to dry it. Fabric huh?

Wait! Without wasting another second, I took a glance at his face. I knew I recognized that scent! My brain can finally process his appearance. Messy, curly orange hair that's never combed in both this life and the last. Eyes that always seem like he's glaring with glee.

"That formality was useless on you, wasn't it? Mr. new second in command," Or in other terms, lord Damon.

"That was a quick change in tone. Recognize me?" He smiled, striking a pose to show off his face.

I think... we should speak in private. They won't show themselves, but some people are staring. Waiting to eavesdrop.

No use for being polite with that masochist.

I grabbed his collar and proceeded to walk into an empty hallway. As far as I know, I can't sense anyone's eyes on us at the moment. Good.

Letting go of his collar, I sighed.

Immediately, Damon adjusted the folds to look neater, "I didn't get the chance to talk to you properly last time,"

Does he know who I am? "Who am I?"

"The one and only Amber, right?" Damon continued to have a sweet, but cocky smile on his face.

His deduction left me a bit stunned. Without noticing, my body paused for a solid second with my eyes widened but relaxed into a smile. Someone got smarter during my absence.

Someone also learnt how to read my face. Damon saw my widened eye before bursting into laughter again, "You really think I'm that stupid?".

"Not to offend you, but you were playing pretty stupid for a majority of our friendship," I added fake laughter at the end.

"Well, I'm smart with other things but stupid with love!" He said making a small heart with his hand. At least, he got more confident about it. Although, I still won't give him hope.

He changed a lot from when I was second in command.

"Damon... are you happier?" For some reason, I couldn't look him in the eyes when I said it, but I could tell from the corner of my eyes that he was shocked by that question.

"I-I... I missed you,"

So he is happier. I was right to leave. If he wasn't then he would just say 'no' instead of avoiding it with meaningless comments.

"You seem a lot... better now. I wanted to tell you to run as I did, but you seem to like it there." It's not the best for him to be there...

He didn't reply anything, but the silence was more than enough.

If he's alone there... "Hiroto might not want you to stay there,"