Centuries Old Couple

"I won't," Music to my ears.


I slapped his hand away from my head.

"Even when you agree with me. I can't just 'like' you. Just because you're nice doesn't mean I'll fall in love like some shoujo anime. Do this for Fay. Don't do anything for me," I whispered with a blank stare.

If I put even the slightest of emotion in that. I might end up feeling guilty. I already have enough of that emotion in my conscience, don't need more.

"No need to be so cold." Damon's smile persisted, "I know". It was hard to notice but when he said he knew the weight in his voice ended in a sad whisper.

"How was master?" Fay asked, looking worried for that man. Breaking up our conversation. The first time I'm glad Fay has no situational awareness.

"Grail was fine. LIVELY as always," I bit my lip spouting that out.

"What the hell happened to her?" Damon muttered to me underneath his breath.

Fay then got distracted by the beautiful paintings in the hallways. Trapped inside each stroke of the brush. She used to like art... homesickness got to her too I guess... even when she doesn't remember.

"Long story. I'll quote you. If you knew. You'd want to forget." Now he knows how I feel.

"Dang it," Damon looked a little disappointed, but his smile didn't drop. During our conversation, did Damon ever stop smiling? That dude likes smiling a little too much.

There's no way I'll tell him. He's still my friend. He's still Fay's friend. He looked horrified when he figured out what happened to me... while trying to find the person that did it, I found that the reason I can't find that bastard that tortured me was that the day after I escaped, there was a massacre there. A blood bath that left no one to tell the tale. The killer vanished and was never found. Well, it was what the documents said.

Damon always being lively and smiling is one thing, but when the smile drops, that's what's scary. He holds me up on a pedestal, but in reality, he'd stand a chance fighting me. Would he fight me is another question entirely though.

He glared at me silently. Looked away and flared back with puppy dog eyes.

Even so... if I don't give a good reason to do what I say, he won't have a good reason to protect Fay's presence other than my word. I don't want to test how strong of a reason 'Amber said so,' is.

He glared harder with the puppy dog eyes making me sigh.

I'll just explain what he already witnessed then... my exchange with Grail.

"Remember when I was totally not at that balcony like a few days ago?" I kept my volume down.

"No, I don't recall finding anyone strange in the castle whatsoever," He smirked, knowing he'd get an explanation out of me.

"That son of a bloodsucker believes that he 'owns' her. Remember when he tried to exchange her with my allegiance?"

"I didn't quite understand the talk over my own confusion,"

"That's the just of it. She has amnesia... I... don't know how to fix it."

"I... see,"

"So don't tell him. Whatever you do. Don't," My fist clenched before I knew it.

"You like staying with Amber?" Damon shouted to Fay, snapping her out of the painting, catching her off guard.

"U-Uhh... of course, lord Damon." She became a bit stunned after the sudden question.

"Of course she would like staying with me, lord Damon." I gave Damon a small nudge with my elbow, walking to Fay.

"I had to find something to talk to her about geez," Damon followed me to look at the painting Fay was staring at.

"Cute couple..." He spoke with slight envy in his voice, turning my attention to the portrait as well.

The moment my eyes landed on the man's face my fingers flinched a little. It was Kai. Hair darker than any shade of black nature could concoct. Eyes sharp and determined. He stood strong and stern yet with a fearful gaze towards a slightly taller lady next to him. The lady's messy hair and long bangs covered most of her features, leaving only a view of her prideful smile.

The painting was in great detail, but now that I have the time to look, I could tell certain features of Kai were altered for him to look more 'heroic'. Alas, paintings capture the reality the artist desires to capture.

"I have... seen her before," Fay spoke softly, unsure of her own words.