Out of Here

"You overdid it," Misa climbed out of the darkroom, trying her best not to slip.

Adrenaline... what a wonderful thing... I can't feel a thin-

My body collapsed on its own. I see the icy floor. I see Misa, faintly. She's running to me. Slipping... and getting back up.

"You suck at running on ice," I wanted to shout, but all I could muster was me muttering.

"Shut up." Misa mouthed silently, "Are you okay?"

"I'm f-fine-"

Suddenly, the chill caught up with me. It was cold but... it was burning at the same time. A thousand frozen needles slowly making their way into my body. Piercing into me, waiting for me to cry out. Trust me, if I had the energy, I'd let out the loudest scream anyone's ever heard, but my throat has been sore ever since those old "heroes" came.

Besides... I have no energy to do that.

"You really did overdo it, you know?" Misa bent down and pulled me up, and placed one of my arms along her neck.

"How do you know who I am?" I got carried away, but is this mask really that bad?

"Who the hell else would overdo a prison break with the power to probably destroy an army and simply greet me with a 'yo'?"

"Point taken,"

"You. Are. Heavy," Misa complained

"Sorry my energy's dead," I'm not sorry about being heavy though. That's vengeance for me having to save your ass.

I gazed slowly at Mia and Kyle, keeping their distance. That's smart... probably would do the same if there was some monster wearing a weird phantom mask breaking you out. I really should've kept all this energy for an actual fight. Umm... in my defence! I believe in Shin and Felix...

Besides, fighting them is not on my bucket list.

'H-Help' The words of the elven children echoed inside my head.

Besides... I have something else I have to do.

"Misa... run. Lead them out of here. It's dangerous. I don't want any crap to regret after this kay?" I pulled my arms back, struggling to balance, the needles' piercing feeling as lively as ever.

"Yeah, like hell I'm leaving you when you can't even stand properly," Her gaze of judgement landed on a struggling me.

"It's fine really! Everything's cool," Pun intended.

"If someone like you just made an intended pun then you are definitely not fine." Misa walked away, seemingly giving up and finally listen to me.

'Seemingly', she's not the type to give up either...

Oh well... maybe the 'other' Misa took over. I'll ask questions later.

I stared from a distance at the three talking casually and Misa telling them something, them welcoming her words, listening without disgust. One day... will I ever be able to do that-

No... don't start wishing the impossible. That was dumb.

Without another thought, I started walking away. They don't need me to be here staring at them like a creep. I'm in a hurry anyway.

Every step still burns, but it's fine.

Sighing, I muttered, "Forge,"

Cold liquid iron formed a cane in my hand, extending to the floor. Sufficient support, for the moment at least. The surface of the ice was slippery, but it doesn't seem necessary for me to forge up ice skates. If I walk properly I shouldn't-

In that instant, the muscles of my legs finally decided to betray me and suddenly relax, making me fall dramatically onto the ground.

"Damn it," I whispered. My silent exit has been ruined. Curse you, legs.

"Let's go," Suddenly I feel my body lifted in the air and over a certain someone's shoulder. Misa...

She held me up like some sort of sandbag or wooden log, casually waving goodbye to the others. Hey, hey! I didn't sign up for this! Didn't I tell her to get out of here? Come on, I know she doesn't like following orders that much especially when it's from me, but seriously can't it be this once?

"What do you think you're doing?" My arms and legs retaliated against Misa's hold but to no avail.

"I told them to escape. Anyways, where are we going?" Misa started walking in the direction I faced when I tried my silent exit.

"Big painting at the end of the hall..." I'm not the type to give up easily, but Misa is more stubborn than even me sometimes and I can't do crap about it. If I insisted she escaped again then it would just lead to a long argument that will end in my defeat either way.

In other words, a waste of time.

"Do you really have to carry me like this though? I feel like a sandbag." I knocked on her back lightly.

"If you don't want to be carried like a sandbag then you shouldn't have overdone the whole breaking us out." Misa tightened her grip to the point of suffocating me.

T-Too tight...

I'm sorry I didn't mean to overdo the whole thing ok? It's just adrenaline! I won't ever do it again, ma'am.

Before I knew it, we arrived, "Stop,"

"You came all the way here to see a fricking painting?" I can't see it, but her eyebrow's raised.

"Let me down," Since it wasn't a question and I didn't exactly tone it jokingly, she complied without a thought. Maybe she could feel my shaking body, but she remained quiet.

I reached my hand out to open the painting to realize that my hands stopped on their own. It wasn't as obvious as the other times, but my hands shook a little.

I'm not their hero. I'm not here to save them. I'm here to save my own conscience. I can't exactly live properly knowing that these guys might die because of something that is no fault of theirs'.

With that thought, I opened the door.