Red Rashes

Xiong Jingfei turned around to face a beautiful face. Well defined, with a sharp jaw and angular cheekbones. His lips were pressed firmly together with a flustered expression. In her opinion, he was the most attractive man she had ever met.

He only took her by surprise because no one else was supposed to be here beside students from An Jing University. Beside her group, there are other students here today who are in a different group with a different tour guide. But, judging from his sleek black suit that did not hide his muscular body and faded haircut, he was not a student.

"Are you done looking?" The man frowned, feeling uncomfortable with her doe-eyed piercing into his body.

Xiong Jingfei nodded. Realizing what she was nodding to, she quickly shook her head.

"Ah~, here you are!" A cheerful voice joined the two of them. It belonged to a man who was almost as handsome as the one gripping onto Xiong Jingfei's arm.

This cheerful man's face was filled with shock seeing his anti-woman friend holding onto a woman's arm, willing. He had many questions but was unsure which one to ask first. So he ended up asking the most basic one, "What is going on?"

Both of them did not answer him, making him more curious about what happened.

"Oh, are you a student from An Jing University?" Lu Weisheng asked, hoping he'll get a response this time.

Xiong Jingfei broke free from his friend's grip and pushed him back several inches away from her. Which wasn't the answer Lu Weisheng was looking for, but at least he got some sort of reaction out of one of them.

"Are you perhaps lost?" Lu Weisheng asked again, hoping the third time will be a charm.

She shook her head, giving him an answer to at least one of his question. Xiong Jingfei was unsure about how to answer his questions. She didn't have her tablet or have anything to write with because she gave her bag to Xu Suying. So she slightly bowed to greet him respectfully before running down the hall.

She was sure nothing will happen to her with these two strangers, but if anything did happen. She wouldn't have the ability to scream for help, and no one will be around to see either. Her best solution was to find her group and stick with them this time.

Lu Weisheng was dumbfounded, "Zheyan, did you see how fast she ran? Is my face that scary? I think I look pretty handsome today!"

He examined his face in the reflection of the glass showcase. Giving himself an approval, his face was at least above average.

Yang Zheyan didn't answer him, he continued to stare at the direction she ran off to. There was something about her, but he couldn't pinpoint what it was.

"Did you know her?" Lu Weisheng followed Yang Zheyang's gaze to an empty hallway.

"Don't know."

"And Mr. Saint grabbed her arm?" Lu Weisheng gasped in horror. "How un-gentlemanly from your reputation!"

"Shut up," Yang Zheyan growled, getting the shiver down his spine.

"Tut, tut," Lu Weisheng shook one finger in front of Yang Zheyan's face. "I'm surprised you 'willing' touched a woman!"

He grabbed the hand Yang Zheyan used to grab Xiong Jingfei's arm. He flipped it back and forth to make sure he saw it correctly.

"What are you doing?" Yang Zheyan snatched his hand back from Lu Weisheng. Right away, he wiped his hand against his clothes as if it got dirtied.

"Very ill-mannered of you! Act as if I really wanted to touch your hand too." Lu Weisheng wiped his hand on his clothes as well before pointing to Yang Zheyan's hand, "Look! There is no red spotting!"

Yang Zheyan quickly inspected his hand, there was no red spots or rashes!

Earlier, he was only interested in Xiong Jingfei because of the way she looked at each item in the room. It was filled with love and admiration, just like his eyes. All the pieces showcased in the 'The Great Love Story of Xiong Jingfei' room was all his. He had personally dug them out or bought them at a bid auction.

At first, he only wanted to start a conversation with her. Somehow he ended grabbing her arm the moment he came in close contact with her. It was like a natural reaction, and he couldn't find a reason why he had done that. If anything, he always tries to stay from women as far as possible. Also, he didn't get this revolting feeling he would usually get around women.

"This woman may be sent from heaven to cure you!" Lu Weisheng joked although he was half-serious.

Yang Zheyan has an unusual condition that no one can explain. When he touches anyone who is a female, he would automatically break out into a nasty rash or have red spotting. Even his mother was not an exception. The outbreaks will last for days before slowly disappearing. Medicine does help with the burning sensation, but it'll naturally go away by itself.

It wasn't that Yang Zheyan wanted to bear the name of a saint who never touches a woman. It's because he couldn't even if he wanted to! After all these years, this woman was the only one he ever grabbed and the first one to not give him this side effect.

"Hmm, should I find out who she is?" Lu Weisheng ponders, he could easily get her information since she attends An Jing University.

"No, I already know who she is."

"What! Who?" Lu Weisheng followed Yang Zheyan as he was leaving the building. It's impossible! His friend, the one who never showed any interest in women, knows her? For the longest time, he thought Yang Zheyan might swing the other way with his emotionless face when it comes to the other gender.

Yang Zheyan, of course, did not answer his nosy friend. He took one last glance at the green koi fish pouch. That was one of the items he was reluctant to put on display. For whatever reason, he wanted it only for himself to see and no one else. It felt like he was putting his lover on display for others to see her.

"Are you still thinking about the cute lady?" Lu Weisheng covered his mouth with one hand and let out a creepy laugh. "Ahem! Well, you shouldn't! You already have a fiancee must I remind you."

Yang Zheyan scowled, "Please, never laugh like that ever again!"

Today Yang Zheyan experienced a lot of first, from touching a woman without having rashes and his seeing his fiance in real life too. He only knew he had an arranged marriage as a child, but it was something he could care less about till recently.

"Having dinner with your parents today? Are they going to discuss your marriage again?"

"It'll be an interesting dinner today," Yang Zheyan grinned, his angelic smile that others will pay to see it.

Lu Weisheng immediately shield his eyes, "Ahhh! It's the smile of an angel!"

"I'm seriously going to ditch you here," Yang Zheyan got into the driver side.

"Haha, it's a joke..." Lu Weisheng quickly got into the car in case he really ditched him here. He even made sure to seat belt himself, so even Yang Zheyan could not drag him out without a fight.