Xu Suying continued to fume even after they sat down at a nearby cafe. She sipped on her latte macchiato meanwhile Xiong Jingfei maunched on her chocolate donut. Xiong Jingfei lightly tapped on the donut plate to let Xu Suying know she's welcome to have some. Maybe the sweetness will kill out the anger out of her.
"Why did we have to run into those two scumbags!" Xu Suying raged, crossing her legs underneath the table. "Aren't you angry?"
Xiong Jingfei gave her a nonchalant smile then wrote down on her tablet, 'No, I'm not angry.'
Its been four years since that day, she had long forgotten about Feng Huan. She got rid of everything and anything that reminded her of him. Now, it felt like a long-distance memory, sometimes she feels like those memories with him does not belong to her.
Oddly, the emotions Xiong Jingfei was going through during the break up wasn't sadness or despair. It was more like she was stabbed in the back. No other words could fit her feeling at that time besides betrayal. After thinking things through, it wasn't loved she had for Feng Huan, more like a close companion she lost.
Deep down, she has been waiting for someone or something, but she wasn't sure what it was. The feeling of yearning and longing for it, but she has never met anyone who made her feel this way. Furthermore, she feels like she has been waiting for a long time for that person.
This was something she never told anyone, including Xu Suying. It was only a feeling, after all.
"Good! Good!" Xu Suying clapped, she felt better knowing Xiong Jingfei didn't have a weak spot in her heart for that jerk. "Feifei, you'll find someone better... Like your husband to be!"
She couldn't help but add in the last part since Xiong Jingfei was destined to marry Yang Zheyan. He has the looks, the personality, and the wealth for her to live a lavish life. If anything, Xu Suying was ten percent jealous and eighty percent happy for Xiong Jingfei for getting a perfect husband.
Xiong Jingfei scoffed, she only found out about her arranged marriage around four years ago. How she found out wasn't music to the ears either. Let's just say it was one of the many reasons why she and Feng Huan had parted ways.
As far as the arranged marriage goes, her impression of Yang Zheyan wasn't good. With the ongoing discussion about the wedding, he was still nowhere to be seen in her life. She had only seen him in pictures or articles written about him. But that didn't help, she has a horrible memory when it comes to recognizing peoples face in real life. If she were to see Yang Zheyan right now, she'd have to question herself twice before thinking 'maybe' it is him.
During their conversation of one talking and the other one writing the conversation back. There was a 'ding' coming from Xiong Jingfei's phone, informing her she received a text message. Her face turned sour after reading what 'that' person had to say.
"What?" Xu Suying asked, devouring the last donut on the plate.
Xiong Jingfei quickly scribbled a summary of the text onto her tablet, 'My father wants me to meet up with Yang Zheyan to get familiar with one another.'
"Oh~" Xu Suying eyes brighten unable to hide the ecstatic in them. She always wanted to meet the Saint Yang Zheyan for the longest time. Seeing her best friend glaring daggers at her, she immediately killed that thought. "I mean, oh as in oh my goodness! What terrible news! Why are they forcing you!"
Xiong Jingfei rolled her eyes then wrote down, 'You should marry him in my place.'
"Ahh, don't be like that! I only want to get to know who my precious daughter is getting married to." Xu Suying tapped her nose, she may have shown too much excitement just now. "I don't want you to end up with someone like Feng Huan! Tsk. Promise one thing but can't keep it!"
Xu Suying was starting to get worked up again when Feng Huan's name was brought back up. She didn't have 'that' kind of feeling for Yang Zheyan in the slightest. She only wants to see with her own eyes if Yang Zheyan holds up to his reputation.
'How about we go to your favorite place tonight?' Xiong Jingfei suggested, holding up the tablet in front of Xu Suying's face. This was one of the many methods to calm down angry Xu Suying.
"Really? Are you serious?" Xu Suying shot up from her chair and grabbed the tablet. Throwing Feng Huan right out of her head. Taking out her phone, she took a picture of the writing on the tablet with Xiong Jingfei together. "My lovely dear~! You never want to go to those places with me, so now you can't back out. I have solid proof of evidence!"
She proudly showed the picture to Xiong Jingfei, and it made Xiong Jingfei rethink if she made the right choice by saying yes. She only suggested it because Xu Suying had been begging her to go for quite some time now.
"Before we go, we have to do something about your clothing..." Xu Suying pulled Xiong Jingfei from her chair and examined her up and down.
Which caused Xiong Jingfei to give her a look, what about my clothes? Of course, the outfit she has on is not something you would wear to that place. But it wasn't out of fashion or anything.
"Oh my pretty daughter, Feifei~. Nothing is wrong with your clothes, but I need more..." Xu Suying laughed, all hyped up about the outfit that will best bring out Xiong Jingfei features. "More skin! More revealing!"
On the other hand, Xiong Jingfei almost died of embarrassment when her best friend kept shouting more skin and more revealing inside a quiet cafe. They were beginning to attract onlookers, more like Xu Suying, who was being the loud one.
While Xiong Jingfei had her face cover with one of her hand. Gently, she pulled on Xu Suying's shirt and held up the tablet, 'I get it... Please stop shouting.'
"I knew you'll agree! Let's not waste any more time!" Xu Suying grabbed her things and dragged a half-embarrassed Xiong Jingfei out the door. She was pulled to a stop on the sidewalk by Xiong Jingfei who held one finger up. "I know we have one hour before meeting back up, but never underestimate a shopaholic!"
Xu Suying pulled on Xiong Jingfei to follow along and hummed in happiness, spending money in one store to the next.