Three For You And One For Me

Even without entering the building, Xiong Jingfei can hear the energetic music blasting outside the building itself. She can only imagine how much louder it'll get once she enters. There were blue, green, and purple lights hitting against the stained window, showing her how much was already going inside. 

Yes, she volunteered herself to go to a nightclub with her best friend. She was beginning to have second thoughts, did she make the right choice by coming? 

"Feifei, let's go!" Xu Suying exclaimed with excitement, pulling Xiong Jingfei along with her. If she didn't, there is a possible chance Xiong Jingfei was already thinking of backing out. 

Xiong Jingfei followed behind submissively while trying to slow down her best friend too. She didn't feel comfortable with the outfit Xu Suying had chosen for her. It's been a long time since she last wore something this revealing. 

She took one step at a time going up the stairs with her four and a half-inch nude single strap heeled sandals. She didn't want to trip and make a fool out of herself. 

Xu Suying watched her come up the steps and laughed, her best friend looked like a baby taking their first steps. Out of the two of them, Xiong Jingfei should be the one who is used to those type of heels the most.

Xiong Jingfei scowled, she can see why Xu Suying was screaming more skin and more revealing now. Xu Suying did as she said, got an outfit with all those features. She chose a white high neck lace crochet bodycon dress. The dress itself looked beautiful in the front, covering everything. But it was the back that was the issue, it revealed her back down to the waist, and the dress length was to her mid-thighs. 

When they entered, it was filled with a ton of people. Tonight was the opening night for the Le Cristal nightclub, so it was packed. 

Xiong Jingfei did not realize the moment they walked in, heads were turning their way and waiting for an opportunity to approach them. Though, Xu Suying noticed immediately after getting used to it from going to too many nightclubs and bars. 

Xiong Jingfei sighed. She felt sticky and suffocating by being in a place with too many people in a building. 

Of course, Xu Suying ignored all those signs Xiong Jingfei was showing because it'll go away soon. Instead, she took them to the bar right off the bat. 

"Tender! Two shots of blowjob!" Xu Suying shouted, grabbing the bartender attention. She leaned against the countertop showing off her curved back. 

Xiong Jingfei lightly slapped her on the shoulders for doing that on purpose.  In which, Xu Suying laughed with a wink. 

"You never know, it might just be the night tonight!" Xu Suying grabbed the two shots and handed one over to Xiong Jingfei. "Bottom-up!" 

Xiong Jingfei was hesitant on taking it but seeing Xu Suying drowning hers already. She gagged at the smell. It's been a very long time since she last had the taste of alcohol. She felt the sensation of it going down her throat, but has yet to feel the adrenaline. 

Today, Xu Suying did all the leading as this is where her forte is at. They walked to the middle of the dance floor, with one dancing and the other standing. It was pretty obvious the one standing there awkwardly was Xiong Jingfei. She wasn't in the mood to dance or party. 

"If you're going to be like that. It's decided!" Xu Suying hauled Xiong Jingfei back to where the alcohol is served. "Apparently, you did not get enough starter drink!" 

Xiong Jingfei shook her head, begging Xu Suying to let her off the hook. She knows how crazy Xu Suying can get when it comes to drinking. 

"Come on, I have seen you drunk before! You're really fun when you're drunk!" Xu Suying acted if she didn't see that desperate plea. "Tender, four shots of kamikaze!"

Xiong Jingfei inhaled a sharp breath, Xu Suying wasn't going to spare her this time. Four! Order at least two shots so both of them can share? Its been a long time since she last came out, and her best friend was planning to give her instant death. 

She knew Xu Suying was insane when it comes to this area. How? She'll keep giving you shots until you pass out to only to ask if you're still alright to take more.

"Don't worry~! My bodyguards are here in the crowd too, they'll watch out for us." Xu Suying whispered. As much as she loves to get drunk, she'll never leave an opening for others to take advantage of her while she wasn't fully functioning. She learned this from the best teacher, Xiong Jingfei. 

Xiong Jingfei raised an eyebrow, so does this mean Xu Suying is given the green light to mess her up in her own ways?

The bartender gave them a worried look serving the four shots. He can tell who was the crazy one giving out drinks while who was the one who needed to get drunk to have fun. 

Xiong Jingfei smiled back reassuring him everything will be fine. Although he was totally wrong on who was who. If they returned to the past, it was actually her who influenced Xu Suying to become this way. Ah, a part of her apologizes to Xu Suying's parents for making their daughter turn out like this. 

"Here you go, three for you and one for me." Xu Suying slid the three shots over to her. It wasn't just Xiong Jingfei who was shocked but also the bartender. "What? You need it more than me anyway." 

Xiong Jingfei stared down at those three shots, she swears she saw poisonous green smoke coming out from the shot glasses. She closed her eyes, telling herself to suck it up and do it for Xu Suying. Grabbing two of the shots at once, she took both of them in one go. 

Xu Suying cheered on the sideline, feeling like she saw the old Xiong Jingfei resurfacing. Maybe tonight, she will see the old Xiong Jingfei who knew how to have fun. 

"Wow! Look at those ladies!" Lu Weisheng leaned against the ledge on the second floor for VIP only. "She is drinking them like water! Come look, Zheyan!" 

Yang Zheyan ignored him. He scrolled through the art project he has been working on. 

"Should we get them to come to meet us?" Lu Weisheng tapped his chin with his finger, attempting to provoke his boring friend. Which it worked, he removed his eyes from his phone to give Lu Weisheng a deathly glare. 

"I dare you to try!" Yang Zheyan growled, gluing his eyes back onto his phone. He only came to show his support for Lu Weisheng opening night. 

"Tsk, that's too bad..." Lu Weisheng squinted his eyes, "I can't see them clearly in this darkness."

Lu Weisheng watched as the woman drank the last shot with the crowd cheering for her, "I'll be back!" 

When Yang Zheyan looked up, Lu Weisheng was already gone from the second floor. He shook his head and continued to review the project.