Take Responsibility!

***Present Time*** 

Xiong Jingfei grimaced, blocking her eyes from the bright sunlight hitting her eyes. Then it hit her. Her room is usually not this bright in the morning based on where the window is located. She immediately opens her eyes and sat up.

She gave the room a quick scan, already knowing this room was not hers or Xu Suying. Flinging the blanket off her, she tried to stand up to only feel excruciating pain coming from her knees.

Rolling up the blue pajama pants she had on, there were band-aids on both knees. She pulled off the band-aids to find a little of her skin peeled off. It must have been from last night when Zhao Fan pushed her from behind. Wearing a short dress, her knees were bond to be exposed and happened to have a taste of the carpet.

Xiong Jingfei bit her bottom lips enduring the pain, she put the band-aids back on. It also appears like they were freshly put on her knees too. No dried blood or pus was currently on her wounds or the band-aids, yet.

She stopped herself halfway rolling down her pants, gripping onto them tightly. Last night, she had on a dress, so how did she end up in a pajama shirt and pants. She could only recall the moment Zhao Fan pushed her down. Other than that, she doesn't remember what happened afterward. Everything was a blur for her.

It was impossible to be Xu Suying who changed her or cleaned up her wound. Xu Suying tried bandaging her once and let's just say it wasn't the best. Plus, the pajama she has on clearly has a hotel logo on it. Which wasn't Xu Suying style to wear hotel outfits either. No matter how drunk they both were, they should have ended up at either hers or Xu Suying's place.

Xiong Jingfei rubbed her temples, trying to recall what happened, but nothing was coming to mind. She sighed, at the very least she didn't wake up with no clothes on. Maybe Xu Suying did bring both of them to a hotel. Seeing her dress hung nicely by the door with her heels put neatly next to it.

She got herself up to get her dress. As long as she didn't come to a hotel with a man, that's all it matters. Grabbing her dress, there was a clean smell emitting off it, like fresh laundry. Xiong Jingfei eyebrows scrunched together, she doesn't recall putting on any or having any perfume with this scent.

She shook her head for overthinking. Unbuttoning her shirt, she was going to put on her dress and leave. Doesn't seem like anyone was here anymore beside her, and she was already running late. On her last button, the door to her left unlocked and slowly opened.

Xiong Jingfei's eyes popped wide open. It wasn't Xu Suying who entered, but the man who she thought was attractive at the museum. He walked out with a towel wrapped around his waist. Meanwhile, the rest of his body was presented for her to see.

"Good morning," Yang Zheyan smiled, crossing his arm and leaned against the door frame. Then his eyes traveled a little down south and stopped. "Or should I say afternoon?"

Xiong Jingfei faced turned pale, quickly covering herself with the shirt. Still not looking away? She threw her laced dress at him but immediately regretted her action. She still needed the dress!

It wasn't that she was being shy about seeing a man half-naked. She was already twenty-two. It wasn't a big deal except he wasn't looking away.

Yang Zheyan caught the dress with one hand. It happened all too quickly that he didn't have enough time to react, the dress was snatched out of his hand by Xiong Jingfei. Who ran into the bathroom and pushed him out of her way. Closing the door behind her, she leaned her back against it.

'Darling, I'm sorry for arriving late.'

She gaped, it was him last night! What in the world happened that she ended up in a hotel room with him? She looked at her clothes with devastation. He can't be the person who changed her outfit last night...

Xiong Jingfei wanted to scream out in annoyance that she can't recall what happened. Did they do anything together? If her father finds out, she is so dead, especially when she has a fiance. She quickly took off her clothes and put on her dress. Think later, deal with the issue now.

When she opened the door, Yang Zheyan was already dressed. He had on a blue solid slim-fit suit and was in the middle of putting on his jacket. Then he grinned at her, "You were amazing last night."

She was puzzled and couldn't tell if they really ended up doing anything last night based on his smile. That smile of his was giving her mixed signals. Xiong Jingfei looked away, not giving any other reaction to his comment. Seeing her purse and phone on the counter, she grabbed it and was ready to leave.

Yang Zheyan grabbed her hand, "You can't just leave like this. You have to take responsibility for what you did last night."

T-take responsibility? It should be the other way around! Unless it was her that pounced on him last night? She wasn't going to take his words for it when she can't recall anything. Xiong Jingfei rummaged through her purse to find a couple hundred and handed it to him. Freeing her hand out of his grip.

"I'm only worth... five hundred yuans?" Yang Zheyan stared at the money in his hand then back at Xiong Jingfei, who nodded her head.

She couldn't recall anything they did together. Therefore he's only worth this much.

"You!" Yang Zheyan was never humiliated in his life, so he wasn't sure how to react to it either. His own fiancee thinks he's worth five hundred dollars. Although, he knows Xiong Jingfei doesn't know who he was.

Xiong Jingfei shrugged, before turning around on her heels to walk out. On the outside, she appeared to be arrogant, but her heart was beating like crazy. Never again will she drink with Xu Suying! Drinking brings her nothing but troubles!

"Just you wait, I'll show you if I'm worth only this much." Yang Zheyan laughed, putting the money into his wallet. He rarely carries any cash on hand with him, but he'll make sure keep these five paper bills with him at all times.

Xiong Jingfei walked far enough before looking at her phone. She had over twenty missed video calls from her father and stepmother. Speaking of the devil, she received another 'ping' to let her know someone texted her.

'Where are you! I am giving you ten minutes to get back home!'

Xiong Jingfei sneered, gripping her phone tightly she rushed out of the hotel. However, she wasn't in a hurry to meet those people. Instead, she stopped by a pharmacy to grab a plan b pill. Without another second delay, she ate the tablet and threw the package away.