Love Birds

***Present Time***

Yang Zheyan cleared his throat, feeling Xiong Jingfei's intense eyes on his face. "Ahem... Is there something on my face?"

She finally turned away from him and wrote down, 'Are you stalking me?'

"S-stalking? Me?" Yang Zheyan pointed at himself and was baffled. Never had he been called a stalker in his life and worst of all accused as one. He wouldn't consider this stalking her... It's just that he had "business" in this direction, but may have changed up the route a bit on the way there. "No, I'm not..."

Xiong Jingfei was doubtful of his answer. It was awfully too much of a coincidence he had driven by An Jing University and to the front gate. Especially when it's a place where no cars ever come by. But she decided to let it go since he was kind enough to take her to a location almost an hour away.

The silence mode has drawn on both of them again.

Yang Zheyan glance at Xiong Jingfei from the corner of his eyes. The corner of his lips raised slightly, he was told his fiancee had a docile personality. Which was very incorrect! At times she'll be a frighten bunny when he surprises her out of nowhere. Then she'll turn into a wild cat with claws ready to attack him.

'What's your name?' Xiong Jingfei held up the tablet with her hand. It's going to be a long ride to the area, so she should at least find out his name.

"Lu Weisheng," Yang Zheyan replied without any hesitation like he said this before.

In a building far far away, Lu Weisheng, who was going on about his day, took a big sneeze. He mumbled, "Who is talking about me?"


When they finally arrived at the location, the sun was beginning to go down over the horizon. Xiong Jingfei immediately went looking for the director, afraid she came too late. Meanwhile, Yang Zheyan strolled beside her like the place next to her belonged to him.

He doesn't know why she's so anxious about that particular scene, but he knows why she's here. The location he took her to was booked for a drama being filmed based on a romance fantasy. The drama is expected to be a big hit because it was being directed by one of Singwang City's famous directors, Hu Han. Because of this, Yang Zheyan became the number one investor without even reading what the story was about. If it's being filmed by Hu Han, he knew it was to be profitable.

He only found out recently who was the writer for the film drama. It was no one else but his fiancee, Xiong Jingfei. He heard that she writes for a living, but he never thought the project he invested into was hers. He found it funny. The harder he tried to escape from the arranged marriage, somehow fate brought them closer together in unexpected ways.

"You're here," Director Hu greeted Xiong Jingfei when he noticed her. He just finished wrapping up one of the scenes. Seeing a taller figure than Xiong Jingfei standing next to her, he turned his gaze towards that person. Instantly recognizing the man next to her, his mouth opened and close without any words.

"Lu Weisheng," Yang Zheyan introduced his fake name before Director Hu ruined his plans. Hopefully, he didn't give away any hints with his obvious shocked face.

It clicked right away what Yang Zheyan was trying to do. So, Director Hu, he played along as well. The big boss was standing right in front of him so it wouldn't do him good to offend Yang Zheyan.

"The two of you make a great couple!" Director Hu laughed, nodding his head in approval. Hoping he played his cards right.

Xiong Jingfei raised up her hand to correct him, but Yang Zheyan was much faster! He took her by the waist and pulled her closer to him. Then pulled out his angelic smile, "You have great eyes director! I'll make sure to 'look' more into your films."

Taking in the hint, Director Hu was filled with immense happiness with his words of choice. "T-thank you!"

In other words, Yang Zheyan is going to invest in his next film drama or movie, just for those few words. Yang Zheyan, the sole heir to the Yang inheritance. His next project will have no budget!

Director Hu reminded himself to treat Xiong Jingfei extra well, even though he had been already. However, it must be on another level having Yang Zheyan confirming it in person.

"Another thing, I'm sorry to tell you, but that scene will have to be filmed tomorrow. I want to get the perfect sun rising in the background." Director Hu looked apologetic, but more to Yang Zheyan, who probably had bigger things to do than wait for the "perfect sunset."

If only Director Hu knew, Yang Zheyan had absolutely nothing to do besides accompanying Xiong Jingfei around. He cleared out his schedule after bumping into her at the museum. One of the reasons why he worked so hard to finish all his projects in one go.

Xiong Jingfei only nodded her head in understanding but was feeling disappointed inside. She'll have to wait another day.

"Then I'll leave you two love birds alone!" Director Hu left it at that and returned to what he was doing earlier.

Xiong Jingfei turned around and pointed her finger at Yang Zheyan, who put on an innocent face. She huffed, unable to say anything to him or tell the director the truth. She doesn't know which eyes of Director Hu saw that they were in love.

Quickly typing on her phone, she wrote, 'Thank you! You may leave now.'

Yang Zheyan raised an eyebrow in amusement. He really had been experiencing a lot of first time with Xiong Jingfei. Telling him to leave was something no one ever dared to use on him. Instead, they'll try to drag out the time so he'll stay longer.

"You're going to make me leave? I drove you almost an hour just to be asked to leave without anything?" Yang Zheyan's eyes widen slightly, acting how shocked Xiong Jingfei has no manners.

Xiong Jingfei rolled her eyes. She threw away those manners of hers for him that day at the hotel. There was no need to keep up a facade with him. What did he want from her? She doesn't have any cash left, having to give them all away to him that day too.

"I want-"


Another voice called out to Xiong Jingfei and cut off what Yang Zheyan "want." He looked up, eyes filled with daggers at the person interrupting their time together.

This person was a long-time actor in the entertainment world. Apparently, every drama he chose to feature in was a success. His last film was the biggest revenue he gained since stepping foot in the acting world. Gaining more popularity and fame overnight.

He had the gentle typeface when he smiles, but his serious face was a to fall for. Even when wearing a full black-suited armor with fake blood smeared on his face, he was still dashing as ever. Rather than being afraid of his murderous aura, it was even more captivating. This was no one than the male lead chosen for Xiong Jingfei's story, Wu Yuan.

"Tsk, next time I'll have to choose someone uglier." Yang Zheyan mumbled, unhappy with two different men already calling out Xiong Jingfei's name by her nickname.

Xiong Jingfei turned around when her name was called out and politely greeted Wu Yuan.

"You never treated me this nice before even though we already slept together..." Yang Zheyan grumbled but received a friendly sharp elbow nudge in his stomach. "Ofph... You..."

"This is..." Wu Yuan stopped in his track, shocked, not missing it when Xiong Jingfei struck Yang Zheyan.

"Ya-L-Lu Weisheng." Yang Zheyan corrected himself, standing up straight like that hit did not hurt him. In reality, it almost caused him to slip up and forget he was using another person's name.

'Ring. Ring. Ring.'

There was a constant ringing coming from Yang Zheyan's pocket. He looked at the name of the caller before excusing himself to take the phone call.

"You must have heard, the scene you have been waiting for is going to be pushed back until tomorrow." Wu Yuan said with a tinge of exhaustion coming from him.

Forgetting he had fake blood on his face, he rubbed his eyes that was forcing itself to stay open. It's been quite busy since the drama was coming to an end, and having to refilm the war scene twice was tiring. Though it didn't stop him from coming to see Xiong Jingfei the second he heard she was on site.

Xiong Jingfei tried telling him the fake blood was getting too close to his eyes. When Wu Yuan tried wiping the blood away, it got even messier as his hands were filled with blood also. She let out a reaction like she laughed and lent him a hand. Taking out a tissue from her bag, she wiped away the blood on his face.

"What are the two of you doing?" Yang Zheyan asked, without the playful vibe previously. He stared at the small hand that was wiping another man's face.

Wu Yuan mischievously smiled, "She's just helping me."

"Wu Yuan, aren't there makeup artists around here who can help you?" Yang Zheyan stepped in between them, then taking the tissue from Xiong Jingfei's hand. He tucked it in Wu Yuan's armor, and with his gentleman smile, "You have hands, don't you?"

Taking Xiong Jingfei by the wrist, he walked far far away from Wu Yuan.

"Pft, only this much and his jealousy is already showing." Wu Yuan snickered, shrugging his shoulders, he headed back to the tent to take off his outfit. Then taking a yawn, he pondered, "Hmm... I wonder how much more he can take before he explodes?"

Xiong Jingfei tried to pull her arm back, but Yang Zheyan held onto it even tighter.

"How can you touch another man so intimately?" Yang Zheyan hissed, pulling her closer to him.

Xiong Jingfei only gave him a confused look. How was wiping another person's face being intimate? Does he live in ancient times?

Yang Zheyan face darkened being able to read Xiong Jingfei's expression like a book. "You're an engaged woman already!"

Xiong Jingfei froze all her thoughts in place, how did he know she was engaged? Very few people know this personal life of hers. She narrowed her eyes, who was he?