Moonlight As Their Guide

Xiong Jingfei scrunched her eyebrows together and with a frown on her face. She really doesn't who this 'Wei Weimin', but he claims to know who she is. On closer inspection, he was remarkably similar to someone, but she doesn't know who. Having an awful memory of recognizing faces, she threw the thought right out the window. Less of a headache for her.

"Feifei, are you sick?" The boy who called himself Wei Weimin put his hand against her forehead. "Hmmm, you are a little warm."

When he felt Xiong Jingfei's forehead, he seemed to be taller than her. Although when she saw him sitting on top of the wall, it was obvious that she was taller than him.


Xiong Jingfei immediately covers her mouth in shock. Did she just hear her voice? It can't be... Maybe she was delusional, so she tested it again.

"Feifei?" 'Wei Weimin' had a worried look on his face seeing her becoming pale.

Xiong Jingfei took in a deep breath, "I-I..."

"Is there something you want to tell me? AH! Why are you crying?" 'Wei Weimin' took back his hand that was on her forehead. "A-are you really hurt somewhere? Did someone hurt you? Who hurt you?"

Xiong Jingfei shook her head. These weren't tears of sadness, but they were tears of happiness for once. She opened her mouth once again, hoping it wasn't a lie.

"I-I can talk again..." Xiong Jingfei cried, covering her face with her hand. "I can really talk."

'Wei Weimin' sighed out in relief although slightly confused. He was just glad it wasn't because of him that she was crying or for other reasons. He patted her head gently, "Silly girl, who told you that you can't talk? You were just talking a few days ago."

Xiong Jingfei didn't hear what he said. She was too happy hearing her own voice again after almost five years. She doesn't know what had triggered her voice to return or how it happened, but all she knew was that she was very happy.

"Ahhh, you are ruining your pretty face by crying." 'Wei Weimin' comforted her and wiped away her tears at the same time. Seeing that she wasn't going to stop crying, he came up with an idea. "Come with me!"

He took her around the waist and effortlessly jumped over the tall wall.

"Where are you taking me?" Xiong Jingfei asked, shocked he was able to jump over that tall wall with her in his arms.

'Wei Weimin' put her on his horse and smiled, "Wait, you'll see."

Xiong Jingfei clutched onto the horse rein, afraid. It was her first time riding on a horse, and she was so high up from the ground. The boy, Wei Weimin, sat behind her with a grin then reassured her, "You'll be safe with me, I promise."

Xiong Jingfei's heart skipped a beat hearing these lines. She heard of them before, except she couldn't recall where either. It was a fuzzy memory for her when she tries to remember. Yet these words were like a warm blanket covering her with protection.

Not even knowing who this boy was, she nodded her head in agreeing to go where he wanted. With the moonlight as their guide, they rode under the night sky down a muddy pathway. It was like they were the only two in the entire world.

When they arrived at the place, it was an empty grassland with weeds reaching up to her knees. She looked around but couldn't see what 'Wei Weimin' wanted to show her. Unless he was trying to show her tall grasses?

'Wei Weimin' held his hand up to help her get down from the tall horse. Earlier, she was terrified as a rabbit that is being corned. Holding onto the rein like her life depended on it. Surprisingly, it didn't take long for her to relax and enjoy the rest of the ride.

Xiong Jingfei did not take up on his offer. Instead, she got down on her own as if she had done this a million times.

'Wei Weimin' chuckled then took her by the hand. When he walked into the tall grass with her, the entire area lite up like a blazing fire.

"Wow!" Xiong Jingfei was in awed, seeing how many fireflies there was! She reached out her hand to touch them, but they escaped each time.

"Here, give me your hands." 'Wei Weimin' had both of his hands together, holding onto something in it.

Xiong Jingfei immediately reached out her hand to hold onto his. 'Wei Weimin' blushed with how forward she was. He slowly removed his hand from hers and left what he caught with her. Slowly, she opened up her hand, and two fireflies soared up into the night sky. She couldn't help letting out a giggle.

"It's time for you to return before anyone finds out you're missing," 'Wei Weimin' put her back on the horse. However, she was reluctant to leave the place. The place gave her a sense of calming to her chaotic life. She didn't want to return back to reality. "I'll bring you back here again, one day."

"Promise?" Xiong Jingfei looked down at 'Wei Weimin' from on top of the horse. Although she wasn't sure why she'll ask him to promise her.

"I promise." 'Wei Weimin' smiled, it was more enchanting with the help of the light from the full moon high up in the sky. He took off the jade pendant hanging onto his robe. Putting it in one of her hands, he said, "Proof of my promise."

Xiong Jingfei held onto the jade pendant tightly, "Alright. You promise!"

When they arrived back to the back courtyard, a smile came and went on Xiong Jingfei's lips, "Thank you, it was the most fun I've had in awhile."

"Silly girl! This is the second time you said this to me." 'Wei Weimin' let out another small laugh, "There will be more to come."

The second time she said this to him? Xiong Jingfei tilted her head slightly to the side. When she ever say this to him? Isn't this her first meeting him? Before she got a chance to ask, 'Wei Weimin' expression went on full alert.

"I have to go, someone is coming." 'Wei Weimin' quickly bid her goodbye with a light pat on her head like she was a child.

Xiong Jingfei looked down on the ground, not wanting to say goodbye to 'Wei Weimin.' If she says her goodbye, it feels like it'd be a long time before they meet each other again. She watched him jumped across those walls without turning back. Then he was gone as if he never even existed, to begin with.

"Goodbye..." Xiong Jingfei whispered, looking down on the wet ground. For a split second in a small puddle near her, she thought she saw her child self. When she retook a look at her reflection, it was her current adult self.

"Feifei! What are you doing here?" Yang Zheyan shouted, running out of breath looking for her everywhere.

When he heard that she never returned after running off, he went looking for her everywhere. How odd that she was here. This was one of the first places he checked, but she wasn't here, and now she was.

Xiong Jingfei opened her mouth, but no words will come out. She tried the second time, the third and fourth times, yet there were no sounds. Just silence like the last five years. She put her hands on her throat, struggling to say something.

"What's wrong?" Yang Zheyan came closer to her to check why she became so pale. "Are you hurt? Did someone hurt you?"

Those words... Xiong Jingfei bit her bottom lip and looked around. There were no flower garden, no gingko tree, nor was it a back courtyard of anyone's room. Instead, it was a big empty lot with broken bricks pieces in the corner. The ground was dry like this evening when she arrived, and it hasn't rained.

Looking down at her hand, it was empty. There was no evidence she ate sticky sugar fruit candy. The silver butterfly hairpin was missing, and the jade pendant as proof was gone as well. As if what just happened never really happened.

Was it all a dream? Xiong Jingfei rushed out of the empty building, but everything remained the same as when she first entered. She re-entered. Still, it continued to be the same abandoned building.

"Feifei..." Yang Zheyan put his hand against her forehead in case she was sick, but was unable to say it.

Was it all real? Xiong Jingfei gazed up at the full moon shining down on both of them. Tears fell from her eyes.

However, what she did not realize, was that the full moon in the night sky was the same one that guided their pathway. As it will be the same moon to guide their fate together.