If There Is Another Lifetime, I Will Find You Again

'A love as good as ours, who will truly understand.'

'The devoted love that you and I once have will never fade.'

Yang Zheyan opened his eyes to see nothing but darkness surrounding him. He squinted his eyes, hoping to see something because he couldn't even see his own hands. He also tried recalling what even happened that he got himself here, whatever this place was. It didn't feel that long ago when he had closed his eyes and was sleeping at a hotel.

Shuddering, he rubbed his arms to warm them up. At least he knew he wasn't dreaming since he felt cold. So again, how did he end up here?

He patted the floor around him, trying to explore his surroundings. Still, he did not touch anything to give him an idea of where he was. When he felt the floor, it was a smooth, flat surface like it was made out of glass. He tapped the floor three times, and there was a light echo like he was tapping on a glass surface!

'I pray to the moon to guide us again.'

Yang Zheyan stopped his movements and sat up straight with his ears perk up. He thought that voice was just something he dreamt of since it sounded very faint at first. Now, he was certain it wasn't a dream hearing it again, and it was a lot clearer this time! Except, the voice sounded far away and was no longer saying anything. It became awfully quiet that he could hear his own heartbeats.

'No matter how many lifetimes, I only want to be with you.'

"Who's there?" Yang Zheyan shouted, trying to get that other person to hopefully respond back.

No one responded. Though someone was there, had Yang Zheyan clearly heard the voice three times already. Someone was there with him. He just doesn't know who.

Slowly, he got up from the ground. Carefully, he took each step with cautious among the pitch blackness world. It was better to be careful then falling into an unknown pit. Also, he was solely relying on his hearing that was for some reason, on another level.

'Our hopes and promises in the past, why did it become sorrow upon us.'

Yang Zheyan sprung around towards the voice, but kept quiet this time and continued to listen. It became quiet again, however, in the far distance, there was a small dim light up ahead. He slowly walked towards it but stopped when he heard the next verses coming from the voice.

'If there is another lifetime, I will find you again.'

Hearing it hit him hard in the heart. It was the most uncomfortable feeling he ever had coming from that one sentence. He felt the fear and the pain in every sentence that was said. The fear made him afraid to take another step forward.

"Afraid? Me?" Yang Zheyan mumbled, questioning himself with a look of disbelief. He knew what it means to be afraid? Him, the one who was voided of all emotions for the last twenty plus years.

Yang Zheyan always knew he was different from everyone else. He had a secret that he never told anyone. He felt empty... If that was even the right word to describe how it was. He doesn't know what it means to be happy, to be sad, to be angry, or what it means to be loved. When a situation calls for a smile, he smiled. When it calls for a laugh, he laughed.

For no one to find out, he observed people in all types of situations to see how they react or respond. He eventually learned how to read people's facial expressions and body language. Then he'll mimic those reactions when similar situations arise. This was how he was able to bluff his way throughout his life without anyone finding out. He also read many books about the type of emotions a human should have and feel.

Unfortunately, he never once felt any of them.

This was the case up until he met Xiong Jingfei. He felt what humans naturally should have, emotions. They all came to him naturally when it involves her. Unexplainable feelings, feelings he only read about and seen. When he laughed because of Xiong Jingfei, he truly felt he laughed from the bottom of his heart.

'A love as good as ours, sadly we were not destined to be together.'

The voice brought Yang Zheyan back to the world of darkness. He did not realize he kept walking all this time towards the light. Right now, he was standing in front of a small wooden hut. Which was odd, because why would a small house appear out of nowhere. Especially in a world of pitch-black, that seemed to have only him and now the little house.

The light he followed was coming from inside the small home. Yang Zheyan held onto the sliding door debating if he should open it. Opening it can give him some answers, or it can, you know, kill him. Although he was debating the idea in his head, he knew he didn't have a choice.

Slowly, he slid the doors open to a room decorated in bright red like a newlywed bedroom.

'One day, when fate brings us together, let's love each other again.'

Yang Zheyan heart pounded against his chest. There was a man with long black hair dressed in red from head to toe with his back facing him. The man sat on the bed and did not turn around even when he had opened the door. It doesn't seem like he noticed Yang Zheyan's presence.

There was also something clicking inside Yang Zheyan's head that the man was wearing a wedding outfit, and this was the newlyweds' bedroom. Except something felt off about the bedroom and the man himself.

Yang Zheyan was about to say something but stopped himself. The man reached out one of his hands, appearing to touch something behind the thick red curtains. Still, Yang Zheyan's eyes did not miss it. He saw it, blood on the man's hands. Then the man said, "It's time for you to wake up."

Yang Zheyan's eyes fluttered open. He sat up instantly with frantic breathing. Even without having to look around, he knew he returned back to the hotel. Calming himself down, he wiped away the cold sweats on his forehead. Meanwhile questioning himself if it was even all real or was it a dream?

All the questions he had immediately left when heard soft breathing coming from next to him. He almost forgot that he was sharing a room with Xiong Jingfei, and he wasn't alone. All the fear he felt rooted in his bones immediately left, seeing her peaceful sleeping face.

He laid back down on the bed and observed her sleeping face. Reaching out his hand, he lightly brushed his pointer finger against Xiong Jingfei's face. She was real, and he was no longer dreaming.

Yang Zheyan removed his finger when her face scrunched up in annoyance from his touch. He silently chuckled. It was nothing but only a dream, or what people call, a nightmare. He is now back in the real world.

The fear and sense of loss coming from that man was not real. It was just a dream. It'll never come true. It was something he will never even experience in his lifetime.