Passing Down Judgment!

A silk water voice that held a sense of authority ringed throughout the entire courtyard. It would be a crime if you disobeyed it.

Instantly, all the maids stopped what they were doing and got down on their knees. As if they had seen the Emperor passing through. Everyone, except Xiong Changchang and Xiong Jiayi, who only gave their usual polite bow on the side.

"Eldest sister, are you finally awake?" Xiong Changchang snickered, not giving any face to Xiong Jingfei that she was their older sister. Taking a step closer towards Xiong Jingfei, she managed to still give Xu Song one last kick. Wanting to humiliate Xiong Jingfei even more by hitting her right-hand maid.

But Xiong Jingfei did not give Xiong Changchang the reaction she wanted. Hidden inside her long sleeves was her balled-up fist that turned white. Meanwhile, on the outside, she showed an indifference expression for Xiong Changchang's disrespect towards Xu Song.

Reminding herself that she needed to be in control and not slash out like Xiong Changchang. Controlling her voice, she replied, "It was tough to sleep through all the noise you had created Changchang and little Jiayi."

Xiong Jingfei's eyes traveled from Xiong Changchang down towards the small Xiong Jiayi, who was five years younger than her. She was tiny and very adorable. Unfortunately, she didn't adore Xiong Jingfei the way she adored her. Instead, she was attached to her real sister Xiong Changchang, who was two years younger than Xiong Jingfei.

Unconsciously, Xiong Jiayi took a small step behind Xiong Changchang to hide. She was hoping that Xiong Jingfei wouldn't notice her. She knew they will get into trouble for doing this to the sister their father loved. She only followed along since her full-blooded sister Xiong Changchang was doing it, and she should go as well.

Xiong Jiayi peeked from behind Xiong Changchang to stare at the older sister she barely has any interaction with. She knows her half-sister Xiong Jingfei is known to be quiet and docile, but she wasn't someone anyone to be trifle with. Or else, her mother and sister wouldn't be pulling out their hairs trying to bring her down.

Xiong Jingfei was also in charge of the entire Xiong manor, so she was in charge of their living expenses. It was true her mother may have the title, the lady of the Xiong manor, but everyone knows it doesn't belong to her. The real lady is standing in front of them.

Still, she never understood why her mother and sister hate Xiong Jingfei so much. She was fair towards everyone and gives everyone the same punishment. She never showed that she favors one over the other.

"Why are you gripping onto my dress! You are going to wrinkle it!" Xiong Changchang yelled, slapping away Xiong Jiayi's hands.

There a small burning sensation manifested on Xiong Jiayi's hands. A little whimper escaped her mouth, but she didn't cry. She gently rubbed the pain away and played with the jade pendant tied around her waist.

"Is there an emergency for you to cause a scene in my place, Changchang?" Xiong Jingfei asked. Her hands were folded nicely in the front, and her loose hair danced with the faint wind.

Xiong Changchang's mouth formed a tight line. Her mother's servant told her that Xiong Jingfei sneaked out today! She brought so many people over to let them witness that the eldest Miss they worship was not what she shown them.

Little did she know, they already know Xiong Jingfei loves to sneak out whenever Xiong Guozhi was not around. They knew she wasn't the quiet type, seeing how she dealt with problems at her age. Even a couple of the servants had seen her outside the manor but chose to keep quiet.

Xiong Changchang tugged at the corner of her sleeves. She wasn't sure what to say to Xiong Jingfei anymore. Today, one of Li Roulan's maid claimed she saw the eldest Miss outside the manor. Even though she was wearing a man's outfit, she will still recognize Xiong Jingfei's face anywhere. Right now, seeing how she was dressed...

It doesn't appear like she had stepped a foot outside her residence, and she really just woke up. Xiong Jingfei had on a light-colored pink robe, and her hair was let down on her sides.

Xiong Jingfei couldn't possibly know Xiong Changchang was on her way to her courtyard. For her to return back on time... She looked at Xiong Jingfei up and down, hoping to catch something out of the ordinary. Something she could have had overlooked if she did sneak back in.

"Seeing as you have nothing to say... I will go ahead and take it that you came to cause trouble only." Xiong Jingfei began passing down her judgment on them. She didn't wait any longer for closed mouth Xiong Changchang to answer. "All the maids here, including mine, will be punished by getting their allowance cut in half. By now, you should know the rules that are held in this household."

Xiong Changchang and Xiong Jiayi's maids sighed out in relief. They were just so glad that the eldest Miss didn't outright and kick them out. Meanwhile, Xiong Jingfei's maids did not utter a sound of rebellion.

"Thank you, eldest Miss, for showing us mercy!" All of the maids in unison said, taking three bows to show their sincerity.

"I-I was... Wrong... But e-elder sister, won't you give me any face?" Xiong Changchang stumbled, admitting her wrongdoings through gritted teeth. Declaring she was wrong was already hard enough, but it was unbearable to claim Xiong Jingfei as her sister. "Eldest sister, you have no right to disciple my people! I will do it myself!"

"Oh?" Xiong Jingfei held a tint of amusement in her voice. Then without any waver, she stated, "You are unfit to discipline anyone."

Xiong Jingfei smiled, taking a few slow steps towards them. Even in her plain dress, her aura of dominance didn't fade in the least. It glowed brighter than ever, almost bring Xiong Changchang and Xiong Jiayi's to their knees. Nevertheless, both of them held on to the last bit of strength they had left to keep their dignity.

"Changchang, I didn't even get started on you. Yet, you are already asking for your punishment." Xiong Jingfei narrowed her eyes and stared right into Xiong Changchang's eyes, unwavering.

"Y-you don't have the right to punish me!" Xiong Changchang shouted. She took a small step back and almost stepped on Xiong Jiayi's foot.

"Oh, I believe I do." Xiong Jingfei chuckled, bring a chill down everyone's spine. "As a lady of the Xiong manor, you disregarded your identity. Disgracing our father's name, shaming yourself in front of your people, and staining your upbringing! Acting like those women at a brothel... You are the second lady of the Xiong manor, yet you encouraged your maids to fight with others!"

Xiong Jingfei's voice was soft as a feather fleeting through the sky, but her words were slapping Xiong Changchang across the face. She was utterly humiliated!

Xiong Changchang wanted to run up and slap Xiong Jingfei in the face. How dare she! Dragging her name through the mud wasn't enough. She even compared her to women from the brothel! Not only did Xiong Jingfei criticized her, but she also indirectly brought her mother in it!

"Changchang, your punishment is..."


A thunderous voice roared outside Xiong Jingfei's courtyard. Walking in, the person's movement held an overbearing pressure. One that brought the second and third Miss down to their knees.

"I should have the authority to do the punishment, right?" Xiong Guozhi's asked, but everyone knew he wasn't asking them.