To Have A Mother

"Husband, you can't do this to my daughters!"

Li Roulan came marching in like a protective mother she is. She was ready to start a war with Xiong Guozhi if she must. There was no way she was going to let him whip his daughters and leave scars on their backs. How will she find a suitable partner for them in the future?

"Mother!" Xiong Changchang wailed, running into Li Roulan's open welcome arms. "Don't let father punish me!"

"Mommy!" Xiong Jiaiyi bellowed, getting herself up from the ground. She found the person who will protect her unconditionally. She wrapped her tiny arms around Li Roulan's waist and put herself in a position where others cannot easily pull her away.

Xiong Jingfei downcast her eyes. Li Roulan, her mother only in name, was not here for her. What was she expecting? Never will Li Roulan come to protect her, ever. She was not part of her "daughters" and will never be. Sadly, both of them had reached a point of no turning back. They will be unable to repair their relationship. One she once thought they had.

Even though she was not getting punished. At a time like this, she misses her mother and what it means to have a mother.

Xu Song reached out and held onto Xiong Jingfei's left hand. Lightly, she patted her hand to comfort her. She can just tell her Miss is missing the Mistress without having to ask.

Xiong Jingfei gave her a quick nod that she was okay. She does indeed have Xu Song in the replacement of her mother, but it was still not the same. Looking at how tightly Li Roulan is embracing her younger sisters felt safe and filled with love. It was a special love, the only type a mother can give to her children.

"Why must you punish my daughters? They haven't done anything wrong!" Li Roulan patted Xiong Changchang's back and Xiong Jiayi's head, reassuring them that their mother is here. There is nothing to fear.

"Li Roulan! Stay out of this!" Xiong Guozhi returned back to his roaring voice once again. "I am giving everyone a fair punishment!"

"Fair?" Li Roulan raised an eyebrow and gazed down at Xiong Jingfei. "How come I do not see the guards dragging everybody like how they are doing to Changchang and Jiayi?"

Xiong Guozhi narrowed his eyes. So this is why she is here… She would not go without dragging the one already begging for her daughters' life.

He clenched his jaw. Who does she think she is? Does she really think he does not know what goes on around here when he is away? Does she think he was like her? Someone who held the title the lady of the Xiong Manor, but is actually nothing.

"Aren't there enough servants here to take their place?" Li Roulan sneered, holding both of her daughters tightly in her arms. She promptly changes her words seeing how angry Xiong Guozhi was getting at the hint of his beloved daughter.

Xiong Changchang and Xiong Jiayi's servants' face turned deathly paled.

"Master, please forgive us!"

The maids immediately shouted after hearing Li Roulan throwing her daughters' punishment onto them. They didn't want more whiplash added on top of theirs when they were sentenced to get ten already!

"Silence!" Xiong Guozhi yelled, throwing his hand into the air. His attention returned back to the uninvited mastermind. "Seems like you are getting old Li Roulan to see right from wrong. Can you not see whose courtyard you are in?"

"Of course, I know whose courtyard I am in..." Li Roulan smiled coldly, clenching her hands. "But these two in my arms are still your daughters too. Will only killing them satisfied you?"

Xiong Jingfei listened on in silence as Li Roulan continuously went against Xiong Guozhi. In her head, she can only whisper words she wouldn't say out loud. Things were going smoothly! Even her father was having a change of heart… Well, now, it was hard to determine the fate of everyone.

She could only tap her fingers against the ground to keep herself calm. Think! Xiong Jingfei yelled at herself. It was easier said than done. The pressure around them was too intense, unbearable. Especially with Li Roulan's special appearance. The best thing Li Roulan can do for everyone was to shut up!

Li Roulan does not realize the more she went against her husband. The more he was determined to show her who was indeed in charge between them. The more she tried to display a small ounce of power in front of everyone. The more Xiong Guozhi was determined to show everyone who is the true master.

Xiong Jingfei could only let out a silent sigh, glancing up at Li Roulan. Her second sister was in her embrace, with the third sister hidden behind her legs. Li Roulan, ah, Li Roulan! Can you not be smarter about your choice of words! Being married to her father this long, yet, she is unable to grasp his personality. This was the most basic of basic knowledge!

If you really want to fight against Xiong Guozhi, make sure you are someone who can go up against him. If not, you better make sure you have someone who is backing you up that is placed higher than him. There weren't a lot of people who can topple his status, but that doesn't mean there aren't any.

You cannot go blindly into a fight without a plan and a backup plan. This time, it was Li Roulan and her two younger sisters lost. Meanwhile, it was Xiong Jingfei's win, although it didn't feel great.

Xiong Guozhi spends most of his time at the training ground or travels to the frontier to inspect. At times he'll be away for days, and sometimes it can turn to months. There was no telling when he would be returning home. It was also the best time for Li Roulan to find faults with her, and by doing so, she'll drag in her two daughters to do the job.

A tiny mocking smirk spread across Xiong Jingfei's face. Once upon a time, Li Roulan had the entire Xiong manor under her control. Meanwhile, she was the one who was powerless and easily abused.

During that time, Xiong Guozhi did not immediately hand the head of the household power over to her. She was not old enough yet to handle the responsibility. Instead, Li Roulan had the power and authority to do whatever she wanted. Whenever her father leaves, Li Roulan will calculate how long Xiong Guozhi will be gone and began her torture.

Apparently, Li Roulan was smarter then than now. She knew better than to leave marks where it can be easily spotted or leave any lasting wounds. It was so by the time her father returns, there would be no evidence left of what took place in his absence.

Xiong Jingfei refused to say anything, and Xu Song knew better to not say anything too. Li Roulan will only make things worse for both of them once he leaves again. No one else also dares to go against her either.

Why would they take the side of a Miss without any backing? Xiong Guozhi's support on Xiong Jingfei was only up until he disappeared. Who will risk their life and job? They instead rather take the side of the person who is paying them.

"Guards!" Xiong Guozhi shouted, signaling them with his sharp eyes.

Xiong Jingfei turned to look up at Li Roulan again, who, for the first time, held fears in her eyes.