Repay You In This Lifetime

"Get up," Xiong Jingfei tucked the jade pendant into her sleeves.


The maids one after another got up, helping each other off the ground. Some of them were hurt more than the others during the brawl. There were visible purple marks on their faces and the dirtiness on their clothes.

"Miss!" Xu Song ran up to Xiong Jingfei's side. "Are you alright?"

"You should be more worried about yourself," Xiong Jingfei smiled, gently flicking Xu Song's forehead.

"How can I not worry about you!" Xu Song hmphed a few times, "Miss is always teasing me."

Then a beautiful wide smile spread on Xu Song's face. She wrapped her arms around Xiong Jingfei's arm. Her Miss seems to be fine since she has the energy to tease her.

"Ouch!" Xu Song winced, pulling back her arm hugs.

Xiong Jingfei frowned. Out of all her maids, Xu Song must have received the worse injuries. Grabbing Xu Song's arm, she rolled up her sleeves to find where Xiong Changchang kicked was beginning to swell up.

"You, go bring me the medicine kept in my smaller storehouse." Xiong Jingfei instructed the younger maid that got a slap on the mouth a moment ago. "Xu Song, give her the key to the small storehouse."

"No!" Xu Song protested, eyeing the younger maid who was fidgeting around with her fingers. "I'll go."

"Songsong, it'll be alright." Xiong Jingfei nodded her head at Xu Song. It's okay to give someone else the keys to her goods this one time. She didn't have anything extremely expensive stored in that place anyway.

"No, Miss. I haven't died yet, so I'll do it for you." Xu Song refused to give up the keys hanging on her waistband. "I am here to serve you."

How can she trust someone who had just got taken into the Xiong Manor? She knows her Miss is not doing it to punish the maid who couldn't keep her mouth clamp. But it was because, out of all of them, she was the least injured one. Still, she refused to give the keys even if it's to her Miss's smallest chest box. Not just to that maid but everyone. No one in this place is to be trusted.

"Alright since you insist," Xiong Jingfei sighed, giving in to Xu Song's undying loyalty towards her. "Bring back my red pouch stored in the corner too."

Xu Song nodded her head and headed off towards the storehouse. While walking, she was stumbling along the way, and half hopped. Xu Song must have gotten injured on her legs too, but she just didn't notice it.

Xiong Jingfei almost ran up to hold onto Xu Song in case she fell, but she couldn't. It wouldn't look "good" to see a proper young lady running to help her maid.

The very first lesson her father had taught her, it was to never forget her identity that she is the Miss of the Xiong Manor. One of the reason for her younger sisters harsh punishment by their father today. She mustn't forget who she is for anyone.

Her focus also wasn't only on Xu Song. She had others standing around her yard waiting on her too. They were lost without their Master orders.

Xiong Jingfei gripped onto the jade pendant in her sleeve. She doesn't know how she'll ever repay Xu Song back in this lifetime.

Yet, she had no idea she would never be able to in this lifetime or in the next life.

It didn't take long, Xu Song returned with the requested items. The less injured one helped apply medicine for the more severe one. Once they were done, everyone sat on the ground except for Xiong Jingfei. She was sitting on her stairstep, holding a small red pouch in her hands.

Untying the golden string, she took out two silver coins. She gave each one of her maids two silver coins. It wasn't coming from the Xiong finance, but directly from her savings. She was giving away her own money to the servants she had cut off a year worth of wages.

"T-thank you, Eldest Miss!" The oldest maid Xiong Jingfei hired exclaimed. She touched the silver coins over and over to make sure she wasn't dreaming. She was worried about her payment getting cut, and she wouldn't have enough to send back home. She was a widow with four small children.

"Yes, thank you!" Another one smiled with tears in her eyes.

The two silver coins Xiong Jingfei gave them was more than enough to cover their cut. Actually, it was a little more then what they'll earn within a year.

"I don't have much to give, but this should help cover the punishment I handed out." Xiong Jingfei's pouch became lightweight within seconds, but there were no regrets.

She must show gratitude, where gratitude is due. They were loyal enough to block off her two younger sisters. Not only that, but the hardship coming directly from Li Roulan. She knows Li Roulan will secretly give her maids a hard time when she is not around to witness it. The least she can do is provide them with the number one reason why they are willing to serve the Xiong Manor.

"Eldest Miss, I apologize for what I said earlier." Xiong Guang got on her knees and put her hands in front of her. She was wrong and wanted to show it.

It was no wonder why none of her maids protested when their pay will be cut in half. Even though it wasn't their fault and they were protecting Xiong Jingfei too. They seemed to have known she was going to compensate them for today, except her.

"As long as you know your wrong," Xiong Jingfei acknowledge her apologies. "You may get up."

If memories serve Xiong Jingfei right, Xiong Guang is an orphaned child that was taken in by the head recruiting servants. Eventually, she ended up serving Xiong Jingfei's courtyard, which was a golden opportunity for her. She was the youngest maid among Xiong Jingfei's maids, and one of the many who took the Xiong surname.

Most servants who are serving a noble household will take their Master's surname. This only happens if they don't know their own surname, and it was a way for others to identify which family the servant serves. Those who take it are mostly orphans who have no idea about their origin.

Xiong Jingfei didn't forgive Xiong Guang because she has a big heart. She doesn't believe she has one anyway. Not after fighting left and right with her step-mother and younger sisters. She only did this one time because Xiong Guang was new.

However, she will come to learn that Xiong Jingfei has a clear line between loyalty and traitors. Plus, you don't want to jump over that line to the other side and get kicked out.

It will be tough to find another job with a noble household. Your reputation will be stained by what you did, so by then, who will want to hire you. Even if you didn't do anything wrong or bad. To everyone else, you must have done something great enough to be kicked out.

The pay working for a noble family was terrific, but there is always a downside as well.

"Excuse me," A male voice shouted loudly, standing outside Xiong Jingfei's courtyard gate. He gave her a polite bow then cleared his throat, "Reporting! Master said that for the Eldest Miss to get ready to leave, immediately!"