Is this a departing gift? (1/3)

"Why didn't you leave?" Xiong Jingfei asked flabbergasted, closing the doors behind her. 

It caused an instant blackout inside her bedroom. She couldn't even see the person who she thought had left a long time ago. 

He was supposed to when Xiong Changchang attempted to storm her courtyard with her maids.  Trying to find faults with her for sneaking out today. Unluckily for Xiong Changchang, she didn't get the chance to get further than her front steps. However, since he didn't leave and if Xiong Changchang did charge into her room. He would have been the most essential evidence in her case. Though, it'll be for a whole different situation at that point. 

Having a man in an unmarried woman's bedroom, whether they're engaged or not. It is not a good image for either one.

Although, Xiong Jingfei knew Yang Zheyan was smarter than that to be standing in her room or courtyard. Or else, he wouldn't have been able to visit her almost every night for the past year. Moreover, even if Xiong Changchang did find any evidence that she did leave her courtyard. She already thought of an excuse ahead of time in case anything like that were to happen. Like she said, to go into battle, you must have a plan and a backup plan. 

In a low soothing voice, he said, "I was waiting for your return." 

Then with a flicker of his wrist, all the candles in her bedroom lite up, brightening her dark, cold room. Maybe it was because of the candles, or perhaps it was because of him. But the chilly outside temperature that was stuck onto her skin undid itself. As if running away in fright with the sudden change in the atmosphere. 

"Foolish," Xiong Jingfei muttered lies, she was delighted he was still here waiting for her return. He was her safe haven and warmth. 

Yang Zheyan closed the large gap between them and tucked her loose hair behind her ears. Tenderly, he wiped away the dust built on her face from when she was kneeling. 

"I told you, this battle is yours to win." Yang Zheyan said admiringly. He saw and heard her brave voice go against Xiong Guozhi.

"And if I didn't?" Xiong Jingfei quivered, recalling how scary her father was to her compared to her younger sisters. 

They think she is doted on by her father unconditionally, but it comes with a price. She was confident she would win Xiong Changchang and Xiong Jiayi verbally. Except for a twist of event that happened, it did not play out well for Xiong Changchang. No one was foreseeing Xiong Guozhi to suddenly return and bestowed the punishment himself. 

"Then, it would have been your lost?" Yang Zheyan benevolently smiled, with a playful flickered in his eyes. Grabbing a lock of her hair, he placed a kiss on them. 

Xiong Jingfei did not hesitate to flip her out of his grasp and turned her back to him. Those below Yang Zheyan's status was afraid to show him any sort of emotions, besides trying to be on his good side. Only Xiong Jingfei was an exception. She wasn't scared and was never afraid to show it. 

Although he is her haven and warmth, he was also her encouragement. It was enough that she could now stand on her own two feet against those who wronged her. 

Yang  Zheyan chuckled, pulling her into his embrace. He whispered into her ears, "I would have come saved you in a heartbeat, without a doubt."

Being held in his arms, she couldn't help but bloom a smile on her face. She couldn't stay mad at him for too long. She is leaving soon and doesn't know when is the next time they will meet again. Leaving with her father this time, they could be gone for days or months. Worse, it could be more than a year before her return. 

Xiong Jingfei closed her eyes, wanting to engrave this warmth and moment between them. She had a feeling where she is going will not be filled with happiness. In a dishearted voice, she said, "I am leaving tonight..." 

"I know." 

She turned around, in a whisper like voice, "You know?" 

It didn't sound like he "knew" because he overheard the servant reporting earlier of her departure. More like he already knew she was going to leave beforehand. 

"Mn," Yang Zheyan nodded his head then wrapped his arms around her waist. He sighed, resting his chin on top of her head, "It was reported early this morning... There was an attack at the border." 

"What!" Xiong Jingfei felt her body go weak, and if not for Yang Zheyan holding her. She would have slumped down to the ground. "T-that means..." 

"What you are thinking of is correct," Yang Zheyan dreadfully reported the news. "We are going to war." 

It all began to make perfect sense to Xiong Jingfei! 

Xiong Guozhi's sudden appearance at the Manor when he had been gone for almost a month. It was last reported that he was at the training ground, and then he showed up out of nowhere. Causing Li Roulan to miscalculate and caused a blunder. That means his return this time wasn't to visit home. He came back to get ready to go to war. The same place where she was heading off to... A war zone. 

"I don't want you to go at all. It is going to be dangerous and filled with the unexpected." Yang Zheyan voice filled with despair. "I tried, but I couldn't disobey the imperial decree." 

Instead of comforting Xiong Jingfei, she felt like she needed to comfort the very concerned Yang Zheyan. She lightly patted his back and snuggled in his arms. In a quiet yet tender voice, she said, "I know."

There was nothing anyone can do against an imperial decree unless you are the Emperor yourself. Since his own nephew couldn't stop it, then who was she to refuse the Emperor?

It was odd and un-odd to decree Xiong Jingfei to join the war. A woman from a noble status and at almost a marriageable age would never be summoned to go into battle. She was not going to get merit on behalf of being betrothed to Yang Zheyan. It wasn't going because she was The Great General Xiong Guozhi's daughter, either. She was going on behalf of her late mother, Yin Yingtai. 

It was her mother's talent and origin, that will force her to participate this time around.