Meet And Be Mortified (4/5)

These two... Lu Weisheng wanted to burst out laughing. No one dared to touch Yang Zheyan's head, but to pat him like he was a dog... He turned to the side with his shoulders shaking. 

"What are you doing?" Yang Zheyan asked in a low voice that could only be heard by Xiong Jingfei. The loving smile was still on his face, but is that what you call lovey-dovey? More like petting your dog! 

He was right. Xiong Jingfei was actually imagining he was her cute Pompom at home. Her tiny, snowball pomeranian was probably crying for her. 

There was no way she can give him a loving expression. There was no way...

Xiong Jingfei's eyes dazed, and her hand slid down from his hair to his face. Yang Zheyan froze in his position when she suddenly traced his eyebrows with her slender finger to his jawline.