Foreign Feelings (2/2)

A tea set store? It was definitely a great gift! He was impressed at the many styles of tea sets in the displayed window. 

He winced after walking into the shop to see many more different styles. Which one will be the best one to buy?

"Feifei, which one do you like-"

Xu Cheng turned his head away from the porcelain tea set and was in awe. She was in the clay tea set section with a small hint of a smile on her face. Her eyes brightened up as she examined each set. Carefully choosing the best one out of all of them. 

She turned her attention to him, beckoning him to come over and pointed to the set she fell in love with. 

A hand of the past clutched at Xu Cheng's heart. He was afraid of this. He thought his heart had finally found peace. That he will be alright being with her alone, but it was a lie he told himself. A lie that broke when he saw his reflection in the store glass windows with his hands in hers.