Promises Behind The Garden (3/3)

"Did you like that jade bracelet?" Yang Zheyan whispered, caressing Xiong Jingfei's hair. Imagining how the hairpin he designed would look on her. "I can get you a better one." 

She kept her arms around him, not wanting to let go. She missed the warmth she felt in his arms. In a quiet voice, she replied, "It's not about the value of the gift, but the meaning behind the gift given."

"Aren't you growing fast?" He laughed against her hair. Then brushed her hair strands away from her face, he said in a quieter voice, "It won't be long until we never need to part." 

While Yang Zheyan hairpin gift was already taking place. Xiong Jingfei began to think of a gift to give him. Her knowledge was mostly on medicine, herbs, and military information. She wasn't much use in other areas. 

She didn't learn embroidery like other noble ladies because Li Roulan wouldn't teach her. Her mother's side of the family was not the embroidery type, either.