Secretly Taken (1)

"Hey, are you still here with me?"

Xiong Jingfei snapped back to reality. Looking to the left and right, everything returned back to the way it was. She was wearing her pink dress, and the Yang Zheyan in the ancient robe was back into wearing his white dress shirt. 

What was that all about? She clenched her fist. This time it was different from her usual dreams or visions. She finally saw the face of this person named Yang Zheyan in her dream. It was the same face as her fiance... Yang Zheyan had on the same fake smile like the one she saw in her dream. 

What does this mean? Why is she finally starting to remember the faces of those who appear in her dream? They were always wiped from her memory the moment she opened her eyes. Besides having these things showing up in her dream. They were starting to show up even while she was conscious.