Fake Husband! (2)

Yang Zheyan smirked and crossed his legs. He was sitting on the other side of the couch and in the blind spot from the bathroom angle. He nodded his head, "Hmm, go on." 

Xiong Jingfei immediately threw the clothes at him. What she wanted was for him to close his eyes. Why are they open and staring at her up and down!

Yang Zheyan smoothly dodged them, "What is up with you and throwing clothes?"

Xiong Jingfei wanted to smack her head on the couch armrest. Yes! Why is she throwing the clothes she needed to wear! 

She awkwardly walked over to Yang Zheyan to pick up her clothes. While he leaned back and enjoyed the view. 

Xiong Jingfei planned to punch him if he touched her inappropriately. 

Picking up the last piece, she ran to get out of his burning sight. It hasn't been her days lately! She tripped over the small scrunched up carpet and down she went. The hand holding onto her towel was released to grabbed the armrest to catch her falling body.