The Lullaby (1)

The car came to a stop, and Xiong Jingfei opened the car door from the back seat. Xu Suying got out with her and closed the doors. 

Both of them stared up at the tall stone steps waiting for them. Xu Suying was used to it, but it was Xiong Jingfei's first time seeing it, and she was going to be climbing them. She braced herself mentally to climb more than one hundred steps. 

Xiong Jingfei didn't want to show that she was tired! How could she when Xu Suying's parents appeared to be just fine... She really has to start working out more!

When they finally got to the top, what welcomed them were five tall red pillars. They were of equal distance apart and had writing on each post. There was a stone pathway leading them to an area with one big shrine and two small ones. All three of them looked like it came straight out from those ancient dramas. Old, sturdy, and filled with rich history!