His Three Ladykiller Moves (4)

"Hey, did you hear?" The famous womanizer Lu Weisheng and Zhao Fan are an item now!" 

"Is it true? How can we believe in it when he hasn't confirmed it yet."

"Of course, it's true! There wouldn't be any news about them if it wasn't!"

At An Jing University, Zhao Fan and Lu Weisheng became the talk of all the students. The teachers weren't an exception from it too. 

They couldn't hold themselves back from whispering about it. That's because if the scandal was real. All of them would have to start treating Zhao Fan better because she has Lu Weisheng backing her. 

Even though Zhao Fan was already on a high pedestal due to her family. Only now, she'll be treated ten times better than what they were previously doing. 

To make the scandal even juicer, Feng Huan was also indirectly involved in their love triangle. Something he never asked to be linked to and something he made clear that they were already over.