Feng Huan woke up once again, and he was still in the same position he knocked out in.
He caught a fever because of his endless night of backtracking to what happened almost five years ago. He used his resources to backtrack, but no answer came up for him. It was like someone had already gone ahead and deleted all possible evidence of what happened that night.
He wants to find out the truth about how Xiong Jingfei knew which hotel he'll be at with Zhao Fan. It would explain how he did something, not like him, and how he ended up on the same bed as Zhao Fan?
He was indeed angry at Xiong Jingfei, but it doesn't mean he would go for Zhao Fan. He never saw Zhao Fan in that kind of way, and if he did, why would he wait until he was already dating Xiong Jingfei? None of it was making any sense to him.
That day, he woke up with a headache, similar to the one he had now. Xiong Jingfei was in the room, and Zhao Fan was naked right next to him.