Started From The Beef Slice (3)

Wen Yingyue didn't let this faze her, "Sister Jingfei, you're also invited to attend as well." 

Xiong Jingfei smiled and nodded her head. She knows Wen Yingyue never meant to invite her, but she can't do anything about it when she is Yang Zheyan's fiance. Wherever Yang Zheyan goes, his fiancee will be there with him. 

"Brother Zheyan," Wen Yingyue sat back down on her seat. "A servant told me that aunty was looking for you."

Yang Zheyan's voice went down a degree, "Why?"  

W-why? Wen Yingyue didn't think he was going to ask her this. Don't people normally just go look for that person to ask? 

"I'm not sure, but I was asked by a servant running an errand to let you know." Wen Yingyue said, relaying the message she was told. "I... I'm not lying." 

"I know." Yang Zheyan got up from his seat. "I'll be right back."