The Missing Piece (2)

Both of them looked down at the same time, and the fastest one to look away was Yang Zheyan. 

He cooly played it off. "Well, well, well. Apparently, the top wasn't good enough for you."

Xiong Jingfei rolled her eyes up and let it be stuck to the ceiling. Gosh, it was her first time seeing a man's thing, and this was how it was done. God, this is why she told him to put on something!

Yang Zheyan took his sweet time to grab his towel and wrapped it around him again. "Aren't we in a similar situation again? You know, that time…"

Yes, I know which time he is referring to! Xiong Jingfei pushed him away for him to go get change. This time it wasn't her who was naked but him. 

When he went to the bathroom to get change, she started fanning herself. Next time when she doesn't see him right away in his room. She will make sure to never enter! 

"So, what can I do for you, darling~?" Yang Zheyan got dressed and sat down next to her.