The crowds' quiet murmuring got louder and louder. All eyes were on the three people in the spotlight.
"Who is she?"
"My beloved fiance. I missed you a lot." Xiong Jingfei shyly looked away and buried her face in Yang Zheyan's neck.
Her fingers pressed into the back of Yang Zheyan's neck, and he felt her breath tickling his neck. Then she whispered, "There isn't a second that passes by that I don't think of you. I can never forget about you even if I wanted to."
"Did she just say she's Yang Zheyan's fiancee?"
"I never heard that he had a fiancee! Did I miss the announcement?"
Yin Yuan watched from the sideline. He hoped Xiong Jingfei had a thought out plan for embarrassing Wen Yingyue in front of a large crowd. Though he was sure she did or else she wouldn't publicly dare go against the pampered Wen princess.