Solo Mission (3)

Everyone was finishing up the last of what was on their plate. Xiong Guozhi was the first to set his utensils down, so Xiong Jingfei followed and put hers down. 

In this household, you have to wait for Xiong Guozhi to take the first bite before you can eat. No one is allowed to leave the table until he finishes eating. Even if you finished eating before him. You'll still have to wait for the head household to lead and finish.

When Xiong Jingfei used to live in this house with them, she found it suffocating to eat together as a "family." She had to force food down her throat and sat there until her father dismissed them. 

However, right now, she can't quite remember why she felt that way. Honestly, watching their expression was rather fun and entertaining. Being a mute for the past five years did help her observation skills go up many levels. 

"Father, there is something I want to let you know." Xiong Jingfei broke the awkward silence at the table.