The Faceless Dancing Woman (3)

Xiong Jingfei felt her left cheek and ear tickle from his warm breath. She touched her left side of the face to stop the tingling. She had a feeling something like this would happen, so she did come prepared for an exchange.

Turning around, their faces were inches away from touching. 

She grinned and whispered back, "In return, I will go back with you."

That was all it took for Yang Zheyan to open the doors back up for her. 

Xiong Jingfei immediately strolled towards the room that was calling out her name. The collections in that room are named after her, The Great Love Story of Xiong Jingfei.

She took in a deep breath before stepping into the room that left her feeling lost. The first time she entered the room on their school trip, she didn't know why she felt the way she did when she saw the items. The longing, attachment, and unable to leave the room.