The closed door behind Yin Yuan quietly slides open, and a pair of arms wrapped around his shirtless body.
The naked woman that was asleep on his bed earlier pressed her bosom against his back. She asked in a sleepy voice, "Yuan, who are you talking to?"
The lights in Yin Yuan's eyes instantly dimmed as he stared down at the arms wrapped around his body.
Xiong Jingfei, who was on the other side of the phone call stopped talking. She even pulled the phone away from her ear out of surprise. Is he not alone? It can't be a friend just visiting him this late into the night…
"Let's continue where we left off." The woman seductively whispered near his right ear, and it 'happened' to be on the same side the phone was on. "Who would've guessed with a face like yours that you are actually an animal in bed."