"Okay, go on with what you had to tell me." Xiong Jingfei crossed her arms and quickly changed the topic. "If not, I'm going to leave."
Feng Huan wasn't disappointed with her response to his comment. He was starting to accept that things between them weren't going to be the same anymore. She was changing and moving forward, so he should as well to not be left behind.
"I never apologized for what happened between Zhao Fan and me," Feng Huan started, he leaned his back against the tree. "I'm sorry for hurting you… It may come off sounding like an excuse, but I didn't mean to hurt you after making a promise to you that I'd stay by your side."
"Feng Huan, don't-"
"No, let me finish."
Xiong Jingfei closed her mouth and quietly listened to him.