The Creator (2)

"D-doctor!" Lu Weisheng whipped out his phone to dial their family doctor.

"Stop." Lu Xuefeng grabbed his younger brother's wrist to stop him from dialing. "I'm alright. I…" 

Xiong Jingfei quietly watched and listened to the Lu brothers' conversation. Even though Lu Xuefeng said that he was alright, he didn't look like he was 'alright' to her. He looked like someone who just got stabbed in the stomach with a knife and was quietly enduring the pain. 

Lu Xuefeng looked over to Xiong Jingfei, unable to explain what he saw and heard. Something he couldn't explain to anyone or himself, but he knows he didn't imagine those voices. 

"Are you sure you don't need a doctor?" Lu Weisheng asked worriedly, seeing that his brother's face was getting paler. It also made him forget the fear he had for his older brother. "This is what happens when you overwork yourself! Don't you know when to take a break!?"
