Quietly creeping on them, the summer breeze had turned into fall winds.
Feng Huan sat across from Xiong Jingfei inside a café near their university. After Yin Ling, who was Feng Huan's mother in his last life had passed away, they didn't get another chance to talk. Their life became busy with school and finally finishing it off with their exam.
Their relationship will never go back to being like it used to be in the past, but at the very least they can sit down at one table together.
"I heard you're going to take some time off school?"
"I don't think I can keep school, my present life, and past life in balance." Xiong Jingfei made it come off as a joke, but she was dead serious about it. "But let's talk about the real reason why you called me here. You want to know what I plan to do next, right?"
"I do." Feng Huan replied, he wanted to know what she plans to do next but wasn't ready to get involved.