Unexpected Guests (1/2)

"Feifei?" Feng Huan noticed something was off about her right away. Is she trying to say something?

"Haaah…" Zhao Fan let out a huge sigh with a big smile spread across her face. Then she burst out laughing, "See! She's getting punished for what she did to me!"

"What did you do?" Feng Huan yanked Zhao Fan's arm. "Why do you need to take things this far?"

"Hah!" Zhao Fan pulled her arm out of his grip with a smile still on her face. Her eyes began to burn and something moist was staining her face, "I didn't need to do anything! It's her retribution."

"Nonsense." Feng Huan felt an incredible headache coming if he continued to converse with her. "Feifei-."

When he had turned around, Xiong Jingfei was gone from where she was standing and out of the doors.