Absurd Conversation

Finally, they are finished having breakfast because they all got curiosity with the crimson lightning sword they change the place meeting inside the garden pavilion, this pavilion is largen than average pavilion it got red pillar, big square lampion in the ceiling and big square table in the middle enough to accommodate eight people but still, there are too many people so half of them lean on the pillar or sit on the wooden railing.

"So, let's begin the story" Lory cues Lu Jiang Yi to start.

Lu Jiang Yi stroked his beard  then he start "The story is about the man who found this Land and becomes the first Emperor…"

"Wait, what Land this land you mean this continent or another continent…..which one?"Bei Li Yan cut off abruptly.

"I don't know Master Bei, this is just a bedtime story so no one bothers with detail," Lu Jiang Yi reminds him.

Bei Li Yan nod in agreement then he cues him to continue "Okay, carry on…."