Arrive at The Palace

"Are you ready?" Ming Yue Yin shouted from the outside, she can feel Zhao Li Xin's presence inside the room and she knew better not to enter or she would be granted by the amount of 'Dogfood'.

Lory jumps off from Zhao Li Xin laps than she opens the door for Ming Yue Yin "I'm ready!" she grinned widely.





"Protective amulet?"


Ming Yue Yin nods her head in satisfied than suddenly she remembers something "Where's Lord Girsha?"

Lory's eyes bulged, she forgot about the birdie "Girsha!" she yells for the bird.

[Check!] Girsha land smoothly on her shoulder.

"All check!" Lory excitedly smiles.

Ming Yue Yin pondering for a minuted "That….and that….okay we good to go!" she sighs after she sure they fully prepare, she also already teach the basic manner when Lory meet the empress because the manner is not far off from the basic manner in her world Lory could pick up the teaching easily.