The Gatemaster of The Oblivion

Lao Min Na only glance for a second at the pitiful people that soon turn into fertilizer for the flower before she headed to the middle of the garden where a giant black flower that look like a reddish-black hibiscus flower grew magnificently.

If only Lao Min Na didn't know how to cultivate this flower she will be mesmerized by its beauty.

"Beautiful isn't it" a man stared at the flowers with a wide and childish smile on his face.

Lao Min Na didn't have to guess who the man was, the demon must have stolen someone's skin again.

"More people are dying today, only twelve people survived," Lao Min Na report with a flat expression.

Lazarus waved his hand "It's okay, we can use them as fertilizer, we can't be wasteful can we" Lazarus joked in a crisp voice, maybe because he took an adolescent boy body there still remain of innocence in his appearance which I scary cause it made her lose her guard a bit.