New Allies IV

"What makes you think that?" Tao Ji Fang frowned.

Zhao Li Xin sighed, "Because I knew her from when she was a weak woman isolated in her own family until she emerged as a talented alchemist and developed into the woman she is now..." Zhao Li Xin subconsciously tightened his jaw and his expression became tense with anger.

Zhao Li Xin would forever blame himself for giving Lao Min Na time to harden her wings and soar, he should have killed Lao Min Na from the day Lao Min Na dare to make an audacious deal with him or when he found out Lao Min Na had hurt Lory.

"Do you know this!" Zhao Li Xin threw an object on the table, it was a muddy black stone with a slight yellowish tint.

"What's this?" Tao Ji Fang stared at the thing that looked like a rock, but he had never seen rock of this shape or color in his life.