No Coincidence

The centipede's body slashed and thick green slimy blood spilled out, Lory's face contorted in disgust "Yuck..."

Another centipede spits out poisonous yellowish slime but Lory managed to dodge it when the slime hit the rock there was a hissing sound and the stone melted, Lory's mouth twitches "Look at that... ugly, deadly, and disgusting, That's why I hate bugs"

The more centipedes attacked, the more Lory groaned in disgust "Yuck...yuck...yuck..!"

She raised multiples ice torn from the ground that instantly kill 

  dozens of centipedes around her after she has done Lory shuddered as she begin to tip toe around the centipede carcass.

"I can't do this!" Lory raised her hands she gave up then she taking long strides towards Yang Xi Ying.

"Lory what's wrong with you?" Yang Xi Ying was amused by Lory's expression.