Natasha Giroux and her best friend, Sallie Andrews were walking to their lockers after school. They were laughing about a conversation they had in Biology class.

" Natasha, what is an ideal boyfriend or husband to you?" Sallie asked.

Natasha smiled and replied. "I don't even think about it. I told you every single time."

"But, you're beautiful and every guy wants to be with you. Even that Queen Bee Taylor gets jealous of you."

"I can never be a good girlfriend or wife to anyone. I just wanted t to be single by choice. If I do feel lonely, I'm just gonna keep a dog."

"Whatever Natasha. But your single label is gonna disappear soon." Sallie said as she winked her eye at her best friend.

Both of them walked out the school and separated ways. Sallie walked home and Natasha got into her car as her driver opopenedened the door for her. She was listening to 'Can't Stop The Feeling' by Justin Timberlake in the car on her journey home. She did not know that what her friend joked about was going to be true.

Natasha was the daughter of famous businessman Cole Giroux. She was born with a silver spoon in her mouth but she was very humble and kind towards everyone. That was one reason why everyone loved Natasha, unlike Taylor Hudson who had the heart of rotting a garbage. People who are not equal to her by status and beauty were considered a contagious disease.

When Natasha got into her home, she saw her parents talking to Mr and Mrs Watson. Their son, Damien was also there.The Watsons were a very famous family. Mr Watson was a businessman just like her father and Mrs Watson or well known as Aubry was a fashion designer known all over the world. The Watsons were famous for donating for the poor and needy all over the world. Their son, Damien who was 21 and it was said that he was going to take over his father's business.

Damien looked like a Greek god to to eyes of most girls and women. Natasha has heard that many girls and women confessed their feelings towards him but all he did was rejecting them rudely. She sympathised the females who were left heart broken by him. But Natasha was not mesmerised by his looks. She knew looks were deceiving. They could be hiding a beast inside the souls of an individual.

"Hey, Natasha. You're back from school? The Watsons and we had just finished talking." Mrs Giroux started.

"Yes, Mom. Hello, everyone. What brought the Watsons here? What did you talk about?"

" Um, Natasha. It's about your marriage with Damien in 2 months." Natasha's eyes widen and she dropped her books she had been holding in her hands due to the shock. She was supposed to get married to Damien Watson? At the age of sixteen?

"Mom, Dad, what's wrong with both of you? I've got to graduate from high school and go to college. I need to get a job. I don't want to get married. I told you that years ago."

"Yes dear. But this is to strengthen the bond of the Giroux and Watsons. Mr Watson and I are going to be partners and this is part of the deal." Her father said.

This infuriated Natasha as tears rolled down her cheeks. She did not expect her own parents to do something like this towards her.

"Now, I get it. All you care in your life is your business and not me. That's why you came up with this deal. You think you can just be happy to see yourself as a top businessman and doing this to me? I wonder what your reaction was when my mother was pregnant with me. Maybe you wanted to abort me but you couldn't because the media got to know and you needed to keep your reputation."

Natasha just stormed up the stairs to her room. She locked the door and started sobbing with agony. She could not believe what her parents had done. Why should she get married at 16? She did not want to be with someone. She wanted to live alone where no one would disturb her or order her around. She heard a knock on the door.

"Honey, just come out now. Let me explain." It was her mother.

"Leave me alone or you'll end up seeing my dead body." Natasha yelled at the top of her voice. Her mother left and the room was filled with the souls of Natasha's sobbing. She took up her phone and soaked a number.

"Hey Natasha! What's up?" Sallies jolly voice was heard on the phone.

"S...S... Sallie, c. .can you come h.. here now?" Natasha spoke as she wept. She needed to talk to her nest friend in person immediately.