When the newly weds reached Damien's house, they got out of the car and Natasha just stared at the house. Unlike the mansion like her house and the Watsons' house, Damien's was just a common house.
"I am not really fond of luxury. It makesme hungry for money for my whole life. And I can't bring all that wealth with me to heaven one day, can't I?" Damien said as if he was answering Natasha's question which she had thought of.
Damien ushered Natasha into his home. When he was trying to unlock the door, Natasha felt an aura of positivity surrounding her, unlike her home where the air felt a little heavy. When Damien opened the door, Natasha was asked to come inside and she looked at the living room. It looked really simple. The wall of the living room was painted in gray and the furniture was dark blue. The room looked very simple yet professional.
Damien showed the other rooms to Natasha. The kitchen, reading room, and his office. Natasha was thankful in a way that her husband has a medium sized house. If it was a mansion like her old house, she would get lost all the time. She knew the floor plan of her house only at the age of 13.
"So, here is our bedroom." Damien showed her to their bedroom. There was a king sized bed in the middle of the room and the wall was dark blue. It seemed that Damien Watson loved blue.
"You can go and rest for some time now. I know today was overwhelming. You can take the bed and I'll take the couch. He pointed at a black couch near the bedroom door."
"Okay, can you leave me alone now? I really need to process this whole incident." Natasha said. She didn't mean to be rude to him but she just could not understand why did he accept to marry her at the altar.
Natasha saw a hint of disappointment in Damien's face. But he covered that up quickly and walked out of the room. She just walked around the room and finally decided to soak in the tub for some time. She got into the bathroom and filled the tub with water. Then, she changed into a white bathrobe which she kept in her luggage. She took a lavender bath bomb and dropped it into the bath tub. She got into the tub and inhaled the sweet smell of lavender. She really loved that smell ever since she was a child.
She thought of the times her parents had time to be with her and the beginning of her friendship with Sallie. Both of these memories were the most pleasant in her life. But, her father was after money and fame. Greed took upon him and he would only focus on his business. Her mother was close to her but was also busy with sorority meetings and charity galas. So, Sallie was the closest person to Natasha. She was the only person who would laugh at her stupid jokes and offer a shoulder to cry on. Sallie was a lotus growing in the pond. No matter how bad the situation may be, Sallie brought out the positivity in Natasha. She was a really rare but true friend.
Then, Natasha opened her eyes and the bathroom seemed dark. Has she been sleeping? She quickly got up from the tub but fell to the floor. She felt a sharp pain at her left knee but she just got up, put on her bathrobe and got out of the bathroom. She rummaged into her luggage and put on a black singlet and white shorts. She tied her hair into a messy bun and went down to the living room.
She saw Damien watching the daily news on TV. He was wearing a white t shirt and grey sweat pants and wore black rimmed glasses. Maybe he wore them to block the blue light form the TV screen.
"He does look hot with and without glasses." Natasha thought to herself and got stunned. What was wrong with her? The marriage had done something to her.
Damien turned to her and smiled. She smiled back at him. But, Damien began to frown and Natasha was confused. He got up from the sofa and walked towards her.
"How did you get hurt?"
"Me? I'm not.... " Natasha was going to deny but she looked down and saw her left knee bleeding. May be it had happened when she fell in the bathroom. What a klutz she was.
Damien asked Natasha to sit on the sofa and he walked away from the living room immediately. He returned with a first aid kit and was about to treat Natasha's wound but Natasha stopped him.
"I'll do it myself, Damien."
"It's okay, let me help you." Natasha declined but Damien still wanted to help her. This made Natasha really mad that she yelled at Damien.
"How many times do I have to tell you that I can do it myself? Why don't you just leave me alone?!"
Damien went silent and kept the first aid kit beside Natasha. "You're right. I should have known you can take care of yourself. You're sixteen by the way and you're independent. Have your dinner after treating that wound. Damn, I'm a nobody. Why should I care for you?" Damien just went away from the room without looking at Natasha. Natasha treated her wound and ate her dinner. As she was eating dinner, she felt bad for behaving in such a way towards Damien. She wanted to apologise. She washed the dishes and looked for him. He was in the bedroom, reading a book on the couch. He did not look away from the book.
"Damien, I ..... " Natasha was about to apologise to him. But Damien had just got up from the couch and walked out of the bedroom. He slammed the door before he left. Natasha was dumbfounded. Did she really made him this hurt? She felt tears rolling down her cheeks. She had hurt him because of her stupid temper. She vented her anger towards her father to Damien. She regretted what she had done. But there was no way Damien would be ready to listen to her. Natasha just went to her bed and laid down. She prayed so that one day, her life won't be very miserable.