Natasha was still extremely upset about what happened between her and Damien. She didn't get enough sleep rarely ate her meals. Even though she would eat in front of her husband, she would eventually throw up after a few minutes. Damien had no idea this was happening. One day, Damien drove her and Sallie to school.
"Natasha, are you okay? You look a little pale," Sallie said as she tried to touch Natasha's forehead. But, Natasha avoided Sallie.
"Nothing's wrong with me. I'm just tired because of my assignments. I'll be fine." Natasha said as she got out of the car immediately. Sallie glanced at Damien for a moment and wanted to shake him to his senses. They should talk it out when they have arguments, not sulking at a corner like children. She sighed as she entered Math class with Natasha.
Natasha felt really unwell during class. She felt cold and her head was dizzy. She decided to rest her head on the table but she didn't expect herself to fall asleep. Mrs Wilkins threw a marker at her and chided her for not taking the class seriously.
"Math is essential in your daily life, and many people have trouble acing it. But, you had the audacity to enter my class just to sleep? Where is your respect? Is this what your family taught you?"
She proceeded to ask Natasha to answer a really complicated question written on the whiteboard. Natasha used her energy to get up slowly and walk towards the whiteboard. She picked up the marker and tried to solve the question, but her head was throbbing in pain, and suddenly, she passed out.
"Ms Giroux, you can't use these tricks on me. I've seen many students do this and I'm not being deceived again. Get up now!" Mrs Wilkins said as she tried to shake Natasha awake. All of a sudden, Mrs Wilkin's face turned pale.
"Oh my God! She's burning up. Someone, take her to the nurse's office. And call her family member," Sallie stood up immediately and carried Natasha to the nurse's office. While carrying Natasha, Sallie felt something strange because Natasha had never been that light before.
At the nurse's office, Natasha was laid down on the bed and wet towels were used to cool her body. The nurse informed Sallie to call Natasha's relative and Sallie called Damien without hesitating.
"Damien, you've got to come here. Natasha passed out, and she has a high fever."
"What?! Okay, I'll be there."
In 10 minutes, Damien arrived at the school and rushed to the nurse's office. His face was panic-stricken, his hair all over the place and he was sweating from running. He was shocked to see Natasha in such a terrible state.
"Are you Natasha's family?" the nurse asked.
"Yes. What happened?"
"She had exhaustion. Did she eat well these past few days? She was extremely weak. Anyway, I'm giving her sick leave for a week. Make sure she drinks lots of fluids and let her eat porridge." Damien thanked the nurse and carried Natasha to the car. He wrapped her in a thick blanket and drove home. She was then laid on the bed in their bedroom. He changed her clothes and used wet towels to cool her body. After a couple of hours, her fever reduced. Damien went to the kitchen to make some porridge. He served the porridge in a bowl and took it to the bedroom. Coincidentally, Natasha woke up. Damien put the porridge aside and helped her to sit up.
"Why am I here? Wasn't I at school?"
"You passed out and had a fever. Sallie informed me and I brought home." This was the first time they talked to each other in weeks. Natasha could feel her tears well up in her eyes but she tried her best to control them.
"The nurse said you're malnourished. Is anything a problem?" When she heard Damien say this, she could no longer control her tears.
"I'm sorry. I shouldn't have said that to you. I was so mad that I didn't think about how you would have felt. I was really guilty and I tried to apologize. But, you wouldn't look at me. I just felt really bad that I couldn't sleep these days and I just couldn't eat. At first, I didn't want you to worry about me since I'm a nuisance to you. But, the guilt caused me to vomit out everything. You are young too but I've tied you down. I'm so sorry." Natasha cried uncontrollably until she felt her body being pulled into an embrace.
"It's not your fault. Fate has brought us together and we'll always be there for each other. I was indeed hurt by what you said but I understood your pain. You're just 16 but forced into marriage with me. I was scared to hurt you even more and that was why I didn't talk to you these days. I'm really sorry, Natasha. We'll work this out together." They embraced each other for quite some time until Natasha stopped crying.
Damien fed her some porridge and told her to get some sleep. He tucked her and was about to walk out of the bedroom when Natasha held his hand.
"Can you sleep beside me? I really can't believe this is happening and I don't want this to be just a dream." Damien chuckled and got in bed with her. He hugged her waist and they slept peacefully.