The Cursed Nickname pt 2

Jungkook pov

All this constant picking at and touching reminded me of school even I had to admit she was throwing me off my game. But no matter what happens I would do what I had to I couldn't let all this hard work go to waste. I just couldn't so I had been fighting my urges. I had wanted to let her touch me, to let her make me feel embarrassed. I loved how she looked when she was smiling in victory but I also loved her pout of defeat. I wanter watch her come undone by my hands to feel her warmth. To kiss those lips I had seen wrapped around her drink so badly. But I wouldn't, I wouldn't give in to her temptations. I couldn't go back to being weak to be forgotten about and put to the side. So when she finally corned me up against the door in the back room. I snapped and kicked her out and yet here I was waiting for her to come back to see me again even just a glance. here I was on my birthday hoping she would remember, but she didn't even remember then during high school so I did what all adults love to do Drink and I drink until I've had enough. I drunk until I swore I saw her walk through the door.

Y/n pov

September 1st

I had been pacing back and forth in my apartment wondering whether or not I should go. He had cursed me out pretty badly the last time I was there. I had to decide on whether or not I was gonna fight for him and I did.

I walked into the cafe. It was a little past closing and he still hadn't shut the doors yet.

He turned to face me as the doorbell jingled. Bottles around him I knew he had been drinking.

" Damit- why are you here, why are you doing this ".

" Why play with my emotions like this I mean it my-"

You're what I smiled at him pretend like I didn't know.

"3 years together and you didn't even know ." He scoffed.

" Y/n just leave, please."

" Before I do something ill regret "

" Something you'll regret of something we can't just forget".

I opened up my purse and grabbed the photo we had taken the first time we celebrated his birthday together albeit he didn't know that I knew then. I always knew it was your birthday you idiot

" I - I "breathe in letting my pride go out the window.

" I picked on you cuz I loved you. I noticed you because of your smile and I'm sorry that I let my image separate us then".

"But I was under a lot of stress then and I had to do whatever it took to survive".

" That's not love y/n, that's not how you love y/n ."

"That's " his eyes filling with a tear. I step closer.

"Your right it isn't love, but it was the only way I knew how to express it ."

"No," he said his eyes hardening as he shivered.

"This is a joke right so sick joke."

" You just want someone to play with someone- "

" No, I just want this boy back, the one who told me that I was his star and his moon."

" I Want the boy who was my-"

He snatched the picture from my hand ripping it up into shreds.

" I'm not that boy anymore and I told you to leave ...this -"

" This is your last chance, now go."

" No, if I leave now I won't just regret it" I step closer to him placing my hand on his chest and his breath on me.

"l-Leave... y/n "

"No, " I said, training my hand down his shoulder to his hand and grabbing it trembling.

"Fine, then," he said breathing me in before looking me in the eye and pulling me into the back room.

" If you want to stay, show me. Keep your promise he said letting go and sitting down on the couch.

Show me how much you want me ." his voice shaking with emotion.

He smiles at me darkly.

"If you can't " he stared up at me roughly.

"Then leave."

I swallowed. I had never been nervous before not even with some of my most famous ex.

I looked down at him as said.

"I do want you "

"Then come here."

If I didn't know that he has changed I knew for sure he change now.

He pulled me to his lap. Sitting down straddling him I let his lips capture mine. My lips parting giving him access as he played with my tongue. l his lips as sweet as caramel. Tasting me while pulling me in more. His hands-on my waist now pulling my hips closer down on him. I had never been kissed like that I was breathless. I had never felt like submitting to anyone, But him, he made me want to. I could feel him hardening underneath me as I moved my hips slowly tauntingly above him. His lips capturing my neck as I let out a moan. I could feel his heart beating. I knew he could feel mine as they matched up.

He looked up at me gently before looking down at my neck

" You mine now " he growled.

I smiled. I brought my lips to his neck as his grip on my waist became tighter. His breath hitched as I kissed him leaving him with a few hickeys.

"I guess that you mine now too then"

He smiled before saying I always have been, I wouldn't be here if I weren't. It was at that moment that he was my boy again. He was my star. So I gave in and made a cosmic explosion happen as his body and mine worked together egging each other on. Sweat dripping down my body as he clung to me calling out my name. Hickes on my body as he reached the deepest parts of me leaving me clenching around him as he twitched inside me before it happened again that cosmic explosion. Breathless we laid together tangled and never wanting to let go again.