Ten: The wedding night

They reached the resort in record time, all thanks to Ray's mad driving skills. The couple got down from the car happy to be finally free from all the on-looking eyes. The trio was greeted by their youngest, who was already present at the resort- sent there on a secret mission.

Vic: sis-in-law, hope you had an enjoyable ride.

Kai: she slept for most of the time.

Mel: (turning red in the face and glaring at him) I was tired.

Vic: (chuckling) bro this is the key-card to your room. I've made sure that all the arrangements have been made and your bags have been sent to your room.

Kai: Are you guys staying too?

Ray: (rolling his eyes) no, we don't want to be the third wheel and fourth wheel. Enjoy your stay here. We'll be leaving now.

Mel: Thank you brother, Vic.

Ray: (patting her head) Vic, let's go!

The guys left together leaving the couple behind. Kai took hold of Min-Soe's hand and escorted her to their designated room.

Mel: did you know about all this Kai?

Kai: no, but I had my doubts.

He opened the door with the key-card and their mouths fell to the floor after looking inside. The room was no less than a pent house but what shocked them was the amount of decor put into it. The four-poster bed was covered in a canopy of lush looking cream coloured sheets and it had snowy curtains around it. The room was lit with scented candles and bouquets of flowers were overflowing in every corner. The mild fragrance of everything combined was sure to make anyone feel heady.

Kai: (clearing his throat in embarrassment) well-

Mel: This-

Kai: let's head inside first.

She just nodded her head and stepped in while he closed the door behind him. The whole setting wasn't making their situation any better and instead it was adding more to the awkward air between them and causing both of their ears to turn red in embarrassment.

Kai: (clearing his throat) do you want to wash up first?

Mel only nodded as she didn't trust her voice enough to speak yet.

Kai: ok, I'll bring your bag in then, (pointing to a door) I think that's the bathroom.

Mel walked to the door and indeed it was the bathroom as he had guessed, she removed her sandals at the door and held them in her hands before going into the huge bath. Thankfully it was not decorated in extravagance like the room itself. Mel would have loved to give up anything to escape sleeping in that room. She sat on the chair in front of the sink and proceeded to untie her hairs. They fell down in disorganized curls on her back. Kai walked in at that moment with her bag as promised and they stared for a moment longer at each other through the mirror.

Kai: well-

Mel: thank you, Kai.

Kai: (smiling) don't take too long Baby.

Mel nodded once before turning back to the mirror and he left the way he had come. Outside Kai was a mess of emotions and feels. He was currently hitting his head on the wall on the other side of the room- a futile attempt at clearing his messed up thought process.

Min-Soe took a hot shower to calm her nerves in vain. She was almost on the verge of letting her emotions get better of her as the day started to sink in. She decided to hell with all it and cried her eyes out standing under the hot water burning her skin. She brushed her teeth dressed in a bathrobe after her heart felt a bit lighter.

She looked through the bag and was shocked to discover what the ladies had packed for her. Their message was clearly slapping her in the face- they needed grandchildren to play with. The bag consisted only of scanty pieces of clothing which she would never dare wear even if the situations presented themselves.

The emotions which she had felt lighten up a moment ago now built up again inside of her. She was feeling horrible enough already about marrying someone whom she didn't love just for her parent's wishes- although she had come to grow feelings for him and by some heavenly miracle they did click in every way. But now their parent's expectations were weighing down on her heavily. She didn't feel ready for the next step yet. Min-Soe felt defeated, she sat on the floor heavily and once again let her emotions take control of her body.

Kai grew worried when he heard her sobbing in the bathroom. He hesitated once before opening the door and walking inside the bathroom. Thankfully she trusted him enough to not lock the door- or maybe she had been stressed too much to leave it open. Either way, Kai saw his wife sitting on the cold floor, bare feet and crying with something in her hand. He couldn't understand what had happened to make her sad in the measly half an hour.

Mel was so lost in her own grief that she jumped up in shock when she felt a pair of warm arms embracing her. Her tear-filled eyes met the worried brown orbs which belonged to her husband. Mel threw her arms around his neck and hid her tear-streaked face in his neck. She couldn't stop the torrent of emotions flowing- which of course had been piling up in her for a long time. He didn't say anything or ask her anything, just held her quietly until she emptied her heart out through tears. She looked up at him once again- now eyes sad with unspoken thoughts, tear streaks around her eyes and face red from all the crying.

Kai: (cupping her cheek) you ok?!

Mel: (nodding) yes, (clearing her throat) I am sorry.

Kai: why?

Mel: you had to see me like this on our wedding day.

Kai: hmm, you are my wife and we did promise to be with each other in our good and bad times.

Mel: (breaking into a small smile) yes. Can I borrow some of your clothes tonight? I don't think I'll be comfortable in anything of mine.

Kai: (glancing at the bag and nodding) ok, I'll get you a pair of my clothes.

He came back after a minute or two holding his clothes for her to wear. He placed them on the chair nearby and went out to let her change in private. She came out not long after rolling up the sleeves of his black button-up shirt.

Mel: (nodding at him) Thank you.

He just patted her head once before going in the bath to wash up.

Kai came out not minutes later, freshened up after the long day they had had. He found his wife sitting at the dressing table, getting ready for the night. He looked at her for a beat longer still in worry after her recent break-down.

Kai: (walking up behind her) we should go out shopping tomorrow.

Mel: why?

Kai: I don't think you would want to wear the clothes that Mom packed for three days. We should buy you some new clothes and also there is a lot to see around here if you want to-

Mel: (turning around and smiling at him) that does sound like a plan to me. We are staying here for three days?

Kai: yes.

Mel: (standing up to be at his level) Kai, Thank you.

Kai: what for?

Mel: I know I got you worried when you saw me crying. Sorry, I was stressed. And now you are trying to cheer me up, Thank you.

Kai: (rubbing his neck in embarrassment) no, it's just-

Mel: (kissing him on the cheek) you should get some sleep now. Big brother told me that you weren't able to sleep from days.

Kai: he never just keeps quiet.

Mel: (pulling him to the bed) I wouldn't even have known if I hadn't caught you sneaking into my room today.

Kai: (pulling her for a hug and whispering in her ear) I was missing you. Min-Soe-ah, I know you have been trying to stay strong for everyone else- even for me. I also am aware that even if we are married, we aren't ready to take our relationship to the next step yet. Don't stress yourself about it, ok?!

Mel: (nodding her head in his embrace) I felt overwhelmed when I looked through the clothes. Kai, I am really happy with our marriage- who wouldn't be, after all, my husband is so sweet.

Kai: (releasing her from the hug and grinning from ear to ear) and my wife is smart too. You will talk with me about anything that would trouble you, understand?

Mel: (nodding her head) yes. Now you should really get some sleep- yawning- I am tired too.

Kai: (patting her head and kissing her forehead) good night Baby.