The next day I woke up to the sound of my alarm going off and the sound of rumbling going on in the kitchen I look at my clock and it 7:00 am and school starts at 8:00 I sit up I hear a small knock on the door before it opens and I see Ian standing in the doorway leaning on the door board "Goodmorning sleeping beauty" Ian says with a big smile on his face, "What are you smiling so hard about Ian" I ask as I rub the last bit of sleep out of my eyes, "Nothing Leah it just looks like you had a rough night last night" Ian said still smiling hard, I look around my bed and there are tissues all on the floor but mostly on my bed the tissues were wet and had mascara on them, I look in the mirror on my dresser and there is mascara on my face, Ian now knows that I was crying all last night about him having to get a girlfriend. "It's not what you think Ian," I say as I walk to the bathroom to grab a makeup wipe, I then hear my bedroom door closed and when I look around the corner of the bathroom I see Ian picking up all the tissues, "You don't have to do that Ian" I say as I finish wiping off the last bit of mascara, "I do I am the one who made you cry in the first place" Ian says with a smirk, "Ian I was not crying about what you had told me last night it was about my parents" I said trying to sound convincing, "Sure thing" Ian said sarcastically as he finished picking up the last of the tissues, " Ian I am serious" I said as I walked over to him, he sat on my bed and reached out for me "What?" I ask with a smile, he then grabs my waist and pulls me toward him, he looks up at me then he swings me on the bed, he places both hands above me and he leaned toward me and started to kiss my neck you started to breathe out of control, I wrap my legs around his waist and I place my hands around his neck, he then stops kissing my neck and whispers in my ear "Your brothers here he is in the kitchen, get ready for school Leah" he said as he got up as pulled his shirt down and walked out of the room, I just lie there breathless with no words I sat up and smiled at myself uncontrollably, I got up and looked at the clock and it was already 7:40 I quickly shot up and slid into my shorts, my brother didn't really like them because he said "they were to short" but I really didn't care, I put on my pink blouse that was thin and it blew with the wind, I slid my sandles on that went up my calfs grabed my bag and walked out my of bedroom. I looked down the stair to see my brother and Ian both waiting for me again, my brother was holding himself a cup of coffee and on the other hand, he managed to hold me a blueberry muffin and some orange juice with my lunch box hanging from his finger. "I am ready," I say as I start walking down the stairs, "Finally," Luke said as he hands me my stuff, I grin and I look at Ian " I am ready to go," I say with a wicked grin, "Hey Leah didn't I tell you not to wear those shorts" Luke says as he turns around from the stairs noticing my shorts, "Yeah, so what...Bye, big bro" I said as I smile and wave. As Ian closes the front door we both start walking the pathway to school, "So about earlier" Ian said, "What about earlier" I ask acting like I didn't know what he was talking about, "Leah you know what I am talking about" Ian said in a somewhat loud voice "Do I get a girlfriend or do I just tell your brother I got one" Ian asked as he shoved his hands in his pocket, "Get a girlfriend Ian" I say in a mad voice as I walk up to my school building, I look back and Ian looks mad but shock then he storms off to his school. As I walk out of the school to meet Ian I see him and some girl holding hands both waiting for me, "Whos this Ian" I asked with a confused face, " This is Emma, my girlfriend" Ian said as he looked at the red hair girl, that's when I noticed she had the same hair color as me, Ian was trying to make me jealous and it was working. As we all walked to my house they both were holding hands and smiling and kissing each other, when we arrived at home my brother was waiting at the steps smoking a cigarette, "So my best friend finally got a girlfriend" Luke said with a big smile, I walked up to my brother to give him a hug but he patted me on the back and told me to head inside, I looked at him as he shock the redhead girl's hand I rolled my eyes and noticed that Ian was staring at me I then smiled and walked into the house, I quickly jogged up the stairs ran In my room and slammed the door before they all came into the house, I threw my bag on my bed and I took off my shoes and placed them in the closet I took off my shirt so all I had on was my bra, I walked in the bathroom and put my hair into a messy bun, I started to wipe off my makeup I then heard a loud knock on my bedroom door before I heard it open I walked out of the bathroom after I finished wiping off my makeup it was Ian "What do you want Ian don't you have a girlfriend to attened to" I say in the meanest voice I could find "No she left her parents needed her" Ian said as he stared at me, " Okay so what do you need Ian" I ask as I walked over to my closet to grab a shirt, " Just wanted to check on you to make sure you weren't crying agian" " Ian, I don't have time for your games can you please leave out of my room" I said as put on my colorful croptop, " Your brothers left" Ian said with a smile as he walked to the bed and sat down, "Ian, you have a girlfriend please leave" I say as I grab my black heels, "Where are you going looking like that" Ian asked as he then stopped smiling and stood up " I am going to a party" I said as I grabed my small phone and my small purse, "Leah, you are not going anywhere we have to plan your parents funeral" Ian said as he walked toward me with a worried face, "Ian my parents don't care aout me or my brother!!!" I said as I walked out of my bedroom, "They do care" Ian said as he followed behind me, "Yeah about themselves they leave every day and come back from Hawaii or some other place after two months then the leave another two months"I say as I walk down the stairs and toward the door, " Tell my brother I said I will be back before midnight and tell your girlfriend I said Hello" I said as I stood on the sidewalk waiting for my ride to come and get me, "Aleah wait I am coming with you" Ian said as he ran to the sidewalk, "Ian no you are not coming" I said as I looked up at him, "Yes if you want to go to this party I am coming with" "Okay" I said giving up on fighting with him. After a couple of minutes, a red car with no roof pulls up with Evan my best friends boyfriend in the driver's seat and my best friend, Ava, in the passengers' seat there was Chris in the back seat he had a crush on me since the eighth grade and there were two seats left for me and Ian, "Leah, I thought you weren't bringing anyone so I brought Chris" Ava said, " Oh sorry girl I am just bringing Ian he just wanted to come so he could see his girlfriend" I said as I climbed in the middle seat Chris smiled at me and grabbed me and wrapped his arm around me and kissed my forehead Ian then climbed in the car and looked at Chris and me.When we arrived at the party I recognize Ian's girlfriend sitting on the porch steps I couldn't believe she was actually here.