Biggest Shareholder

Everett and Carol smiled at Jackson and sat down.

"Jackson, Everett told me you lost your memory," Rawson said, pretending to sound worried. "Do you remember me, brother?"

Jackson shook his head. He had a feeling this man had something sly planned. When did he ever speak to him so affectionately?

"We met about 12 years ago in Shanghai. At that time, you told me you were homeless with no friends nor family. So, I took you in and treated you like my own brother. For four years, we were practically inseperable, until I was framed for a crime and was thrown into prison for 7 years. The entire time I was in there, I was so worried about you that when I was released, I tried to look for you. I ended up hearing that you joined the gangs in France and returned to Beijing as an arms dealer. I was so happy to hear that you were doing well, so I didn't try to get in contact, but then I ended up seeing you here," Rawson explained.