Future Brother-In-Law

That evening, Halia arrived at a fancy hotel dressed in a handsome black suit. Since Marissa invited her unexpectedly, she randomly grabbed a suit from Jackson's wardrobe and put it on. Of course, the suit was a little big, but she still looked quite good in it.

At first, Halia planned to reject the invite, but Roy told her that if she attended and apologized to Marissa, he would put her back on the case. So, she agreed in the end.

Halia buttoned up the suit jacket on her body and smiled. This was Jackson's suit and it made her feel warm and fuzzy. It was almost like Jackson was there hugging her and it made her blush like a schoolgirl.

Back during the early days, when they were still friends, Jackson had lent her his coats a few times. In fact, there was one stage when she had a few of them at her place. As Halia thought about this, she couldn't help but laugh. Maybe, at that time, she had already fallen for him without noticing it.