A Devil Jinchuuriki – End

All good things must come to an end. I wrote this a long time ago under the penname Xantar. I really enjoy writing it since it is fun creating situations for the kids to play around.

That said, I do have a lot planned out for this story. Naruto and Grayfia eventually visit the underworld and more hijinks ensures. Naruto is as powerful if not powerful than the Great Red, so he can basically b*tchslaps everyone.

However, the story passed to his kid. It is the love story between Luficer and Serefall. I never concluded the story, and it probably never win since I stop writing fanfiction ;)

Spending my time working on Original Fiction now. This is just to prove that I can write complex characters when I want to.

Next story on the list is Heaven's Feeling (NarutoxArturia)!