Heaven's Feeling – 19

Arturia examined at the massive portrait adorning the wall.

It was her in her battle armor; spearheaded her army in the last battle she fought in.

The painting depicted the Battle of Camlann, where she was forced to kill her daughter.

Yes, Arturia accepted that Mordred was her blood.

There was no right or wrong to kingship as her husband had told her and used history to illustrate it.

Husband… it sounded strange.

She thought she never would marry someone for the sake of love.

Kings do not marry for love, but near the end of her life, she abandoned her obligation and followed her heart.

Following one's heart was what her daughter did even though it ripped the country apart.

Mordred was given a proper burial like a King as her husband had told her.

Naruto apologized for stealing her body during the funeral recession.

He needed to preserve it, and Mordred wanted to be King, so he used the girl in her stead.

No one was the wiser in Camelot when they carried out the necessary procedure and rite.

Camelot… It only had been a few days since Arturia came home.

That was in the most literal sense.

Her home was a massive castle; an exact replicate of Camelot from an era long passed.

It was a fortress, where she commanded her army along with the knights of the round, as well as giving out justice to her people.

The place was the symbol of her power, and with her death, it crumpled to dust and scattered to the wind. Still, he rebuilt exactly as it was, hoping one day she would return.

Arturia walked towards the throne room and entered it.

The hall was similar to what she knew.

Pillar erected, holding up the ceiling while heavy drapes covered the windows.

She saw statues of her Knights adorning each side of the red carpet in the centre.

They were awaiting her orders like they used to.

Besides Mordred, Lancelot was also there.

Naruto had also relay to her what had happened to Lancelot.

The loyal knight wanted to participate in the last battle to fulfil his oath, but Gawain hostilely rejected the offer as it might cause disunity among the soldiers.

Many of her supporters then were against Lancelot's illicit affair.

It was never resolved, and his participation would disintegrate her army before the battle could begin.

The former round knight fell into despair, but luckily, with Guinevere, he was able to move on even after the news of her death.

Unfortunately, a plague took the love of his life, and Lancelot lost all reasons to live.

It was a bitter ending to a great knight; a great companion who had saved her life more than once.

He deserved a much better life.

They all did, but in the end, they did not see the glory they dreamed of when they followed her.

Tears escaped her green eyes, sliding down her cheek as she glanced around the room, seeing each of their faces.

"My only regret is that I could not help my King when she needed me the most," Lancelot muttered on his death bed as a blond-haired man sat by his side.

Arturia recited the last line Lancelot said as it was relayed back to her.

She faced his statue again and placing her hands upon its face, trying to touch the person she once knew.

There were so many things she wanted to change; to redo her life.

One where she wasn't King, and they would follow someone more suited.

Perhaps then they would see their dream come true; a kingdom of heaven that would last long after they were gone, where their children would grow up peacefully.

"That was one my regrets as well, Arturia. You locked me up before that battle, and I could have made a difference. I could have stopped the fighting that tore apart our kingdom. But what has already happened should be left alone. I would not change it for the world, so don't dwell too much on it," Naruto said softly as she turned around. He placed his hands on her shoulder and gently pulling her closer to him.

"If I wasn't King, would it be different?" Arturia asked weakly, seeing his face.

Naruto inhaled deeply, returning the gaze before sighing.

"I do not know the answer to that. I do not know how it would change Britain… England. Perhaps it might be for the better, but it could also be for the worst. Currently, it is a peaceful nation so why change it?"

He paused for her to contemplate about it.

"Arturia, I for one do not regret that you were King," Naruto answered softly.

He looked at her face, clearing some liquids away with the back of his index finger.

It was still strange for him to see her cry.

She was so strong; seemingly invincible.

Even riddled with arrows, she would continue, fighting for what she believed in, disregarding everything that would hinder her, including what made her human.

That was her downfall…

"If you weren't King, I probably never have met you and love you as I do now. What we been through, it was a journey. The choices we took were an experience, and our mistakes helped shaped the future. If anything, I regret that our time together was cut short, and I wasn't able to save you back then," Naruto continued.

"I understand that, but there are so many things we should have done..."

"Arturia, there are many things we could do now, this is a second chance to begin anew, and if you wanted to know what could have been different, I can show you…" Naruto said, leading her to another room. It was the massive library as she remembered it. She spends days here, learning how to govern her people and battle tactics. Even now, she was still learning new things.

"If it's history, I already read through many…"

"It's not the history of this world that I wanted to show you," Naruto interjected, placing his hands on one of the bookcases.

Black lines spread across it and glowed.

Arturia wasn't surprised anymore at that.

She knew magic, and her husband had a strange type since he wasn't from here original.

Some invisible force was pushing the bookshelves to one side, revealing a hidden room.

"I was lost for while after you had died, wondering what I could have done differently. Like you, I reached out to Akasha and saw multiple possibilities that were running along with this world as well as the path that I must take to bring you back," Naruto said, entering the room first.

It was then followed by his wife.

"Multiple possibilities?" Arturia asked, walking slowly towards a well to join him.

It was the only thing in the room.