Training Camp!

The next morning, Present Mic came barging into Aizawa's room. He was about to yell, until he saw Naruto. Present Mic just decided to just shake Aizawa awake.

"Class trip, sleepy head." Present Mic said, Aizawa sighed and got up. Aizawa got up and put sleeping Naruto on his hip and picked up his bag with his free arm. Kurama followed them out. When Aizawa came down, teachers started cooing at the cuteness.

Aizawa walked to the students dorm and saw them all ready. They quietly laugh seeing Naruto asleep in his hold. Aizawa walked up to Naruto's room and opened the door.

He grabbed her bag and left, he did sigh, seeing the amount of beer cans on the floor.

When Aizawa made it down stairs he singled the class to follow him. Kurama got picked up by Momo, which he didn't mind.

When they made it on the bus, Aizawa took the first seat with Naruto on his lap. Not long so after class 1B came onto another the bus.

Half way in the drive, Naruto woke up to the noise. Naruto tried moving, but gritted her teeth in pain, which Aizawa caught. "You okay?" Aizawa asked, looking around her. "N-no..." Naruto said, softly.

"Can you show me wear you hurt?" Aizawa asked softly. Naruto lifted her shirt, not looking down. There with two bruised black, green, and purple hand prints on each of her hips.

Aizawa's eyes widened. Naruto then moved to her knee lengthened shorts and moved them up showing the same hand prints and the same bruising.

"Who did this to you?" Aizawa asked, softly. Naruto shook her head as tears fell from her eyes. Aizawa put her head on his shoulder and held the trembling girl in a stronger hold. "Can you walk?" Aizawa asked, softly. Naruto shook her head no. He sighed and nodded her head.

Soon Aizawa stopped the bus in the middle of nowhere. Aizawa put Naruto down softly. Class 1A walked off. Aizawa watched as he talked to the students and left them to go back on the bus. Aizawa picked her up and got in the bus, making some gawk and complain.

"Naruto, stick the middle finger at your classmates." Aizawa muttered, Naruto knocked on the window, getting them to look over, Naruto gave them the middle finger and they gawked. Aizawa chuckled. "You can go now." Aizawa told the driver and the bus driver drove off.

When they made it to the campsite, Naruto tried to stand on her own, beside Aizawa. Aizawa had to hold her up so she could stand properly. Naruto stood and watched as Aizawa talked to the wild pussycats.

Kurama came running over to Naruto soon. Naruto smiled and sat down, starting to pet him. A little boy came over and kneeled down, looking at Naruto for permission. Naruto smiled and nodded, the boy smiled and petted kurama.

Soon the class came to the scene. "The training camp doesn't start today. Today they made you dinner, tomorrow and then on, you have to cook your own dinners." Aizawa said, sighing.

"The little boy here is Kota. He doesn't really like hero stuff." Said a pussycat. Izuku walked over trying to bring up why and other things, but he got punched in the balls.

"Hi Kota, I'm Naruto." Naruto said, softly, she crawled over to him and put her hand out, smiling. Kota had a flashback of his mother and hugged her instead. Naruto was a little surprised, but hugged him back.

Naruto stumbled standing up with him. Aizawa came rushing to Naruto and helped her keep standing. People saw that and worried what that was about. Kota put his head on her chest, making Naruto smile a little. Aizawa helped walk Naruto to a seat. Naruto allowed Kota to stay on her lap.

"Naruto, are you okay?" Kota asked, softly. "I'm fine, I'm just bruised a little and it's hard to walk. Want to help me to the cabin later?" Naruto asked, softly smiling. Kota brightened up at his.

"Can I sleep with you tonight?!" Kota asked with excitement. Naruto smiled at this. "I don't mind, you can sleep with me, hun." Naruto said, softly. Kota brightened up at this.

"We have to eat first." Naruto said, Kota started chowing down his food quickly. Naruto laughed at this, "Calm down, tiger." Naruto said, smiling, ruffling his hair. Naruto started eating, herself.

When they finished eating, Kota hopped off her lap and Naruto stumbled up. Kota grabbed her hand and they walked slowly to the cabins.

When they got there, Naruto sat in the bed she choose and Kota grabbed her suitcase. Kota crawled onto the bed. Naruto opened her bag and pulled out her PJ's putting them on the side. Naruto turned to Kota smiling.

"What would you like to do?" Naruto asked, smiling. "Can we cuddle?" Kota asked, making Naruto smile. Naruto laid down and Kota laid on top of her. Naruto played with his hair softly.

"You remind me of my mama." Kota said, softly. "You guys of the same smile and personality." Kota started off softly. "They died in the works of being a hero..." Kota said, softly, as tears pricked his eyes.

"I never met my parents, they died the day I was born. There was a villain attack and they didn't make it. You see my parents were heroes and a villain had a grudge on them." Naruto said, softly.

"Why do you want to be a hero, Naruto?" Kota asked, looking up with sad eyes. "Don't you hate that working as a hero takes people you care about away?" Kota asked, softly. Naruto chuckled softly.

"I used to think, why would my parents choose other people over me. But, when I got older, I understood that everyone around were apart of me that I wouldn't want hurt. I had a friend who was quirkless and started to notice other people getting hurt around me. You know what I did?" Naruto asked, smiling.

"Stuck up for them?" Kota asked, smiling. "Yeah and beat the poop out of them. I never liked seeing innocent people hurt, especially the people I care about. I understand now that my parents, what my parents did was the right thing, even if it hurt me. There are some heroes that are heroes for the wrong reason, but they do help us, even though the people like our parents were heroes, shows that they're good heroes. I want to be a hero like them more then anything, the road there might be tough, but I'll stick through it." Naruto said, shocking Kota, before he smiled and nodded.

"I would love to see you be a hero some day to or be scientist. Did you see the movie Frankenstein?" Naruto asked, smiling. Kota shook his head yes. "I want to be the a scientist. so I can make Frankenstein, but I found out I'm terrible in science." Naruto said, dramatically at the end, making Kota laugh.

"Can you do the Frankenstein rawr?" Naruto asked, making Kota sit up and Naruto sat up too. Kota put his hands in front of him. "ROAR!" Kota yelled, making Naruto laugh with Kota. Kota kept repeating it, making Naruto grab him and started tickling him, making him and Naruto laugh.

People outside the cabin were smiling and giggled a little. "Looks like they're having fun." One of the pussycats said, making Aizawa smile. "I never heard her so happy." Aizawa said, making some look at him. "Same with Kota." Said Kota's aunt, smiling. The girls walked in smiling.

Naruto and Kota turned to the girls. "Naruto, would you like to go to the hot springs with us?" They asked, smiling. "Kota, do you want to guard us, so no creepy boys look over?" Naruto whispered in his ear. "You are allowed to kick them if they climb the wall." Naruto said, Kota grinned and ran after that.

Naruto smiled, Momo came over and helped Naruto up. "What happened, Naru?" She asked, grabbing the pair of PJ's on the end of her bed. "Just got some bruises." Naruto said, softly. "They must be bad if you want to walk properly." Momo said, Naruto smiled softly at her.

Momo helped Naruto to the girls changing room. Naruto waited until all the girls left, before she undressed and went into a towel. Naruto limped out and carefully went into the hot spring where all the girls weren't around. Naruto relaxed a little, but the hot water is making her bruise sting.

Not long after a guy started climbing the wall and Kota kicked him down. "Thanks Kota~" all the girls said, Naruto looked over smiling. Then fainted, he was about to fall over the wall but Naruto jumped up and caught him in her arms.

Naruto looked around and saw she was on the boy's side. Naruto turned to the exit and left not saying a word. Naruto walked into the girls changing room with Kota.

"Naruto, are you okay? You jumped high and had to walk with your wounds." Kota asked, worried. Naruto sat on the bench and took deep breaths. "I'm fine, hun." Naruto said, softly, then chuckled. "I jumped into the boys side of the hot spring." Naruto said, laughing. Kota laughed at this.

Naruto quickly changed into her PJ's, she didn't mind Kota was there though. Kota was blushing, but was worried about the bruises. Kota ran to her bed as Naruto carefully stumbled over. Naruto laid in the bed under the sheets and Kota joined laying on top of her.

Naruto smiled softly. Naruto hummed a melody that she hummed herself as a child to help her sleep. Kota smiled at this and started playing with Naruto's long hair, before he started to fall asleep himself.

"Night night, mommy...." Kota mumbled, surprising the hell out of her. "Night Kota." Naruto said, softly as she kissed the top of his head. Naruto soon fell asleep herself.

The girls who were watching this were having a mental breakdown at how cute it was.


The next morning, Naruto and Kota woke up to a horn. Kota looked up to Naruto and rubbed his eyes. "Good morning, mommy." Kota said, sticking with what he said last night. Naruto blushed at this.

"Good morning, hun. How about we get dressed and meet at the breakfast table outside." Naruto said, softly. Kota nodded and ran out excitedly. "Hello mama." Momo cooed, getting up. Some of the girls chuckled at this.

Naruto sat up on her bed and hid under the blanket quickly as she got dressed. Naruto stood up carefully in a t-shirt that had skulls on it and shorts. Naruto stumbled outside, holding onto anything she could.

When she made it outside, she stumbled and almost fell a couple times to the kitchen. Naruto saw Bakugou look at her with worry. Kirishima walked over to her and helped her the rest of the way, when Naruto sat down she heard a little voice that made her smile.

"MOMMY! MOMMY!" Kota yelled, running to Naruto. Everything went quiet as Kota said that and saw Kota jump into Naruto's arms. "MOMMY!?!?!" They yelled, except the girls and Aizawa. "Mommy?" Aizawa asked, thinking.

"Mommy, I like your t-shirt. I got the same one!" Kota said, excitedly. Momo went beside Naruto. "Hey mama." Momo said, Kota glared at her and hugged Naruto tightly.

"She's my mommy not yours." Kota said, sticking his tongue out. Bakugou chuckled at this. "No, she's my mommy too!" Momo yelled, hugging Naruto. "No she's mine!" Kota yelled.

"Caring is sharing, Kota. But Momo, am I really your mom now?" Naruto asked, looking to Momo, who laughed. "Okay, you can have her." Momo said, sighing and getting up. Kota laughed a little.

Naruto smiled at him. "So, when did Naruto become your mommy?" Denki asked, smirfking. "Yesterday." Kota said, making Naruto shrug. "So, who's the dad?" Sero asked, making Naruto freeze a little.

"No dad, only mommy! No men deserve mommy except me!" Kota yelled, hugging Naruto. People laughed at this.

Naruto put Kota down gently, Naruto stumbled over to the rest of the group making breakfast. Naruto looked over at the bowls. "Well, Sato's and Katsuki's food looks decent." Naruto said, making Bakugou have a confident smile and Sato give a small smile towards her.

Kota walked over and Naruto lifted him up. "Yeah, I agree. The rest of your food looks like shit that got set out in the sun for days." Kota said, making Naruto laugh with Bakugou and the pro heroes.

Shinsou walked out finally and went to Naruto. "Make me food." Shinsou groaned, making Naruto giggle.

"Fine, get me the ingredients, sleepy head." Naruto said, making Shinsou chuckle. Naruto stumbled to a spot and put Kota on the counter.

"I'm so glad, Mitsuki and Inko taught me to cook." Naruto muttered, when Shinsou put the things on the counter, he and Kota were forced to help as Naruto flipped the pancakes. When Naruto finished there were 3 dishes of pancakes.

Shinsou, Kota, and Naruto sat down. "Come eat, Mr. Aizawa." Shinsou said, Aizawa chuckled at this and sat down with them. Naruto was in the middle, Kota was on her lap, and Aizawa and Shinsou were sitting beside.

"Thanks Naru." Shinsou said, ruffling her hair. "Thanks mommy." Kota said, grinning. "Good job on the food guys." Aizawa said, Naruto smiled. "Thank you, you two for helping." Naruto said, smiling.

Kota and Naruto shared a plate as they ate. They looked like a big happy family. As for the class they ate the food with sadness, exsept Bakugou, Ochako, Koda, and Sato, they ate good food.

When breakfast was finished Naruto, Kurama, and Kota stumbled off to the forest. Kota watched Naruto meditate and decided to follow her lead. What surprised him was how the wind started swirling around her, Naruto had a blue aura around her too.

After a while of this happening Kota started to get bored and Naruto knew that so she started to fly Kota in the wind, he laughed at this. Naruto had been practicing her wind control.

After a while Naruto moved onto fire, which she gets from kyuubi. Naruto did fireball jutsu, which surprised Kota, he was in amazement, after she did it fifty times, she moved too fast.

It took lots out of her to do, but she pushed through. Naruto then went into her sage mood, Kota was surprised at this. Naruto started gathering up the forest chakra.

"Hey Kota, want to see something cool?" Naruto asked, Kota nodded aggressively, making her smirk. Naruto started to make a huge black ball from her mouth.

The ball soon blasted a beam of black into the woods, destroying a whole bunch of trees and made a huge boom. "Wow! So cool!" Kota cheered, soon Aizawa and the pussycats made it to the scene.

They were wide eye at the forest. "What happened?!" Aizawa yelled. "Naruto blew it up!" Kota yelled, jumping around excitedly. "Maybe, I should just stick with learning medical jutsu here." Naruto muttered.

Naruto has wanted to learn it for a while to remember Sakura and her baa-chan by. She wasn't good at it back in her old life, but wants to try again. "Jesus, when you have that fox you like a fucking God!" Aizawa yelled, making Naruto sweat drop at the manner.

After a while of practicing medical jutsu she could heal little wounds. They went back on Kurama's back. Kurama enlarged himself as big as a bear.

When they made it back, Naruto helped the others make dinner. Naruto had Kirishima help her stay standing. They soon ate dinner and went to bed. That's how they spent their nights.

When it was the last night things went crazy.

Izuku went to find Kota, as Naruto and the others went to the forest with class 1B. They had to get in groups and scare each other. Naruto went with Bakugou.

As they started to go around walking they saw the forest caught on fire, but it was blue so they knew it was a quirk. They hid until they found others. But not long did they run into Kirishima, Izuku, Tyusu, Uraraka, Tokoyami, and Shoji.

"Bakugou, they are after you, so you have to stay with us for your safety." Kirishima said, freaking out a bit. Naruto's eyes widened seeing Izuku. "Kurama heal Izuku, I need to go do something." Naruto whispered, Naruto soon jumped from tree to tree with great speed.

Naruto made it to the cabin, seeing students, Aizawa, and Kota. Aizawa came running to her. "Where's Bakugou?" Aizawa asked, worried. "He's with Kirishima, Izuku, Uraraka, Tyusu, Tokoyami, and Shoji. I got Kurama healing Izuku right now." Naruto said, sighing. Kota came crying to Naruto. "It's okay, Kota. You're safe." Naruto said, softly.

Momo picked up Kota, then heard a scream. They all went full speed ahead, but Naruto was faster than them. Naruto saw Bakugou about to be taken into the portal.

Naruto with great speed kicked Bakugou, making him fly out of the villain's hand. "You want to come instead, love." Dabi smirked, "That can be done." Dabi said, pulling Naruto through, while knocking her out.

Everyone freaked out, screaming her name as Bakugou was star struck.