An indescribable loss

Disclaimer: I don't own Inuyasha and Co. Also, I am not a doctor nor have I ever experienced a miscarriage. All my information comes from my research and videos of those who have dealt with this tragic situation.

Warning: Sensitive content disclosed in this chapter; miscarriage. It may or may not trigger some people.


The sound of incessant beeping woke the groggy teen from a dreamless sleep. She blinked several times to adjust to the brightness of the room. 'Where was she?' she hazily thought as the sound of heavy breathing caught her attention. Following the sound to the right, Kagome spotted her mate, head back, and what appeared to be resting.

"Maru?" She croaked out; her throat felt sore and a little dry. Sesshōmaru jolted out of his light dozing and reached out to grasp her hand, giving it a reassuring squeeze. "I'm here, love."

"Where are we?" asked the groggy teen.

He gave her hand another squeeze before he answered. "We're at the hospital."

The hospital? Why were they there? Everything was so fuzzy. "What happened?" she asked, trying to figure out what was going on. Her mate didn't say anything for some time, and that made the young woman nervous. What wasn't he telling her? Finally, she couldn't stand the silence any longer. "Maru, tell me!" beseeched the distraught teen.

Sesshōmaru appeared to be reluctant at first but quickly relented when her wide blue eyes peered up at him. "When we brought you in, you were bleeding quite heavily, and they were unable to stop the bleeding." He paused, swallowing thickly before hesitantly carrying on. "They had to perform an emergency D&C."

An emergency D&C? That would mean that they had to remove… "No…" she whispered, tears forming in her eyes and a hand coming up to gently rest on her abdomen. "the baby…."

"Gome," His golden gaze softened as his head shook morosely. "I'm sorry." Uttered the yōkai sadly, bringing his mate's other hand up to kiss her palm tenderly.

"No…" Kagome whimpered before her vision blurred, and she yanked her hand out of his grasp. Carefully turning away from the yōkai, the distressed teen curled into herself and began to weep uncontrollably. She missed the flash of hurt in her mate's gaze and how he reluctantly dropped his empty hand to the side.

Sesshōmaru watched his mate sob hysterically and was unsure how to proceed. He was relieved when his mother-in-law hurried into the room and wrapped his woman into a protective hug. "Darling." Her mother softly cooed and gently rubbed her back. "It's okay, my sweet girl. Mama has you."

Leaning into her mother's hold, Kagome continued to sob. "It's gone, Mama. My baby is gone." She revealed in between the gasps of air.

Her mother's soulful eyes met the helpless gaze of Sesshōmaru as she consoled her little girl. "I know, Sweetheart." She whispered, gently running a hand over the teen's matted locks.

The sobs intensified as the distraught teen tightened her hold on her mother and was lost in the sea of loss and guilt.

It was sometime later that Kagome was discharged with orders to rest. They said she would be able to go back to school in a couple of days, but Sesshōmaru wasn't so sure. His mate had been quiet since her emotional breakdown, only nodding once the doctor came in to speak with them.

"Mate." He whispered, gently brushing her bangs to the side while she curled up in their bed, quietly crying. Once again, the yōkai was completely out of his element and was unsure as to how to proceed. All he knew was that it was killing him, listening to his mate's agonized cries.

A hand came up to rest lightly on his arm, causing him to turn away from the troubling scene. His mother-in-law peered up with the same sad expression mirroring back at him. "Sesshōmaru, why don't you make us some tea?" Suggested the older woman, giving his arm a comforting pat before sitting on the edge of the bed. "I'll stay with her."

That was an excellent idea. Yes. He would make them some tea. "Thank you, Yuna." He said, grateful for having such an intuitive and caring in-law. She just smiled sadly before turning her attention to her upset child.

Sesshōmaru bent down to softly kiss his mate, then swiftly hurried out of the room, quietly sliding the door shut behind him. He sagged against it, taking in a ragged breath and running a hand over his face. His drained gaze then traveled over to the hanyō sitting at the dining table.

Inuyasha quickly stood up from the chair he had been waiting in and carefully approached the older yōkai. "You lost the pregnancy, didn't you?" He bluntly asked, not one to beat around the bush.

"Yes." Sesshōmaru admitted, another tired sigh escaping as he ran a hand through his silver locks. "There was nothing that they could do." He said before moving around his younger brother and away from the sounds of his crying mate.

"She doesn't sound too good. Is she okay?" asked the hanyō, ears swiveling about while his gaze flicked to the closed door before following closely behind.

"I do not know. She has not spoken since we left the hospital." Admitted the older dog demon.

"Not good," Inuyasha said, watching his brother pause at the table as he carried on. "You're going to have to call ma. I know you and pops don't see eye to eye, and you don't care for my ma, but she knows what to do in this situation. It's her job, for fuck's sake!" snapped the half-demon, turning away to point at the bedroom door where his friend was sobbing her little heart out. "You can smell the sadness and shame dripping off her. She is obviously blaming herself and isn't doing well."

"I know that, half-breed!" Sesshōmaru snarled, slamming a fist against the wooden surface.

"Then fucking call!" yelled the hanyō, stepping forward to shove his cellphone at his brother.

The Inuyōkai roughly snatched the phone and dialed their home number. Their father's retainer answered on the first ring. "Tatakau residence." He said in his familiar high-pitched and croaky tone.

"I wish to speak with Izayoi." Ordered the dog demon, not bothering to greet the longtime servant.

The servant squeaked when he recognized who was calling. "Right away, Young master." He stammered as the sound of his footfalls echoed into the ear of the inuyōkai.

Sesshōmaru could hear the rap against the wooden door of what he presumed was his parent's door. "My Lady, Telephone." He heard the demon say as his father in the background started to bark about how late it was.

The tired voice of his stepmother came on the other end. "Hello?" It was clear that they had been asleep, and he had disturbed their rest. "Izayoi." He stated, wanting to get the conversation over with.

His stepmother's confusion was laced with the grogginess of the night. "Sesshōmaru?"

"Yes." He confirmed then bit the bullet and asked for her help. "I need your assistance."

"You need my help?" She asked even more confused but no longer drowsy. Sesshōmaru could hear his stepmother shushing his father before continuing. "What can I do for you?"

The sounds of his mate's sobs distracted the yōkai for a second reminding him of why he called in the first place. "I know that it is late, but could you come to the Higurashi Shrine?" He hoped she wouldn't ask any questions. It would be easier to answer them once she was here.

He could hear the creaking of the bed and the rustling of clothing as his stepmother hurriedly replied. "Of course. Can you tell me what is going on?"

His gut twisted as his mate's muffled cries continued. A tired sigh escaped into the receiver while a hand ran over his saddened features. "It will be easier to explain once you get here."

Sesshōmaru thought she might press for more, but she did not. "I will be there in a couple of minutes." She said instead, surprising the exhausting dog demon.

"See you then." He replied, then quickly ended the call and passed it back to the quiet hanyō.

The brothers stared at each other for a few minutes before Inuyasha slid his phone back in his pocket and spoke. "You know Pops will be coming with her."

Sesshōmaru roughly dragged his fingers through his silky mane. "I know." Said the yōkai while another weary breath escaped.

"You ready for that shit?" asked the half-demon.

Of course, he wasn't ready to deal with their father. Though maybe this was for the best. There would be no need to hide, and that would eliminate some stress for his mate. "I will have to be." He honestly admitted, moving slowly into the kitchen to make his mate some tea.

The yōkai filled the electric kettle to heat some water while his brother thumbed at the entry. "I'll go meet them at the shrine entrance and bring them here." He offered so that his sibling could pull himself together before their parents came. Sesshōmaru would need a clear head if he were to deal with their dad.

"Inuyasha." Sesshōmaru called out to the leaving demon.

Inuyasha paused at the doorway to look over his shoulder. "Yeah?"

No matter their tremulous history, they were still pack, and Sesshōmaru was grateful that the hanyō had been there to help. "Thank you, little brother."

The half-demon's brows shot up in surprise, but they quickly dropped as he smirked cheekily. "Even though you are a right bastard, you're still family, and so are they." He motioned at the closed bedroom doors. "Go take care of your family, and I'll bring ma and pops."

Inuyasha hurried out of the house while Sesshōmaru poured the hot water into small teacups and let the tea steep as he picked up the tray and carried it to the dimly lit bedroom.

He slid open the door and carefully approached the bed. "Gome." He softly said as he set down the tray on the side table. "I have brought you some tea." His mate continued to cry, not bothering to acknowledge her mother or partner. He sighed once more and turned to his mother-in-law sadly. "How is she?" he quietly asked.

She shook her head forlornly and stood from the bed to softly whisper to the yōkai. "She still hasn't said anything. I am beginning to worry."

"As am, I," admitted the dog demon. "I have called my stepmother. She is a grief therapist and the best in her field. She is going to come over, and we will see what she wants to do."

Yuna released a relieved breath and rested a reassuring hand on his arm. "Thank you. I know that had to be difficult for you."

"I will do whatever I can to help my mate. In the end, I am fine."

"I know." She gave his arm another squeeze, then returned to the bed and sat down. "I think I'll stay with her a little bit longer if you don't mind?"

"Of course." He said before heading to the door. "My stepmother and father should be here soon, and I would like to greet them when they do."

The saddened yōkai looked at his mate for a few seconds before quietly slipping from the room. He was surprised by the cleanliness of the hanyō and couldn't help but be relieved that he had cleaned up any mess he may have caused.

Sesshōmaru paused when he heard his other family approaching the small cottage. Taking in a few cleansing breaths, the yōkai slowly made his way to the door to greet his father and stepmother. He Hoped that despite their turbulent past, they would listen and help his troubled mate.