Disclaimer: I do not own Inuyasha and co, nor do I make any money from this.
Warning: Mentions of Miscarriage. It may be triggering to some.
It had been a little over a month and a half since the miscarriage, and Kagome was still having a difficult time with her unstable emotions. Sure, the counseling helped, but she had her moments, like the other day when she was riding the bus home with Sango. A pregnant woman had boarded, and suddenly, she was angry and a bit jealous of the woman for being pregnant when she could not. The abrupt emotions didn't last, and they were quickly replaced by guilt. It wasn't the woman's fault that she hadn't stayed pregnant. She had felt horrible for thinking such things and still does.
Today was a good day for the young mother, though. Currently, she was in the library working on an overdue assignment when a large shadow washed over her, blocking out the warm light. She glanced up to find her mate's younger brother peering anxiously down at her.
Kagome was wondering when the hanyō would attempt to talk to her. He had been scarce since that night and even made sure to keep out of her way during school. She's glad he bucked up the courage and ditched his damn pride.
"Hey." He finally said, a hand running nervously through his silver locks. His golden eyes flicking back and forth between the surface of the table and the woman staring at him in question.
She watched the hanyō squirm in his spot before flashing him a small smile. "Hey." Yes, the half-demon had been a royal ass to her, but in the end, he was still her friend. Plus, she wasn't someone to hold grudges. Well, usually. Sesshōmaru had been the exception to the rule.
Even though she forgave the hanyō, that didn't mean she was going to make it easy for him. Kagome said no more, making the dog demon scratch at the back of his neck nervously. "I wanted to come to visit sooner, but I didn't think you would want to see me." Admitted the Inu, his cheeks blooming with color.
Kagome's dark brows rose in question as she began to doodle in her notebook. "Why would you think that?" she softly asked, trying her hardest to not give away that she was messing with him.
Yet again, his hand slid anxiously through his silver locks, all the while his chest heaved with a sigh. "I haven't been the greatest person to ya." He grudgingly admitted.
Damn right, He had been a right prick, but Kagome kept that to herself. "No, you haven't." she finally said, enjoying the way the inuyōkai squirmed under her intense stare.
Inuyasha gave a little snort and began to sift through his notebook. "I've also been told that I'm a stubborn, inconsiderate asshole." He said, his gaze met her with a small grin gracing his lips.
Kagome knew a few people who thought the same thing, but there was only one person that would tell him to his face. "Let me guess. Sesshōmaru?" she said, chuckling, no longer able to keep the amusement at bay.
"Fuck yeah. Who else would be that straightforward?" the hanyō quietly barked before sobering quickly and leaning forward. "For what it's worth, I am sorry." He confessed, saying nothing more as he waited to see if she would accept his apology or not.
Shaking her raven head, she flashed the inuyōkai a blinding smile. "Friends?" she watched as the half-demon's golden eyes lit up and sat up straighter.
"Hell Yeah, Friends." Inuyasha agreed as he passed her some papers. "Here, I have the notes from the other day." A flush of color lightly colored his cheeks once more, and he rubbed at his neck in embarrassment at her surprised expression.
Inuyasha wasn't one to take notes ever, so this was a rare moment indeed. Her smile broadened, flashing a row of pearly whites, and gently set the notes down in front of her. "Thanks. I just wasn't feeling the greatest yesterday." She explained, her face dimming as her thoughts went to the day before, but she quickly brushed them away. Her attention was brought back to the hanyō, who hadn't even noticed
"Yeah, that's what Sesshōmaru had said." He divulged and laughed as her face twisted in shock yet again. "What? Don't give me that look? I can handle the bastard in small doses."
That was news to her, but she can't say she wasn't happy that the brothers were finally getting along. "That's good to know." She chirped happily.
"If you ever need a babysitter, I would be more than willing to watch my nephew." offered the hanyō, quickly changing the subject.
His offer seemed genuine, and Kagome was taken back that the half-demon hadn't been put off by the toddler. After all, kids that age can be quite the handful, especially yōkai children. "He didn't scare you off then?" She hesitantly questioned the hanyō.
A low chuckle left the inuyōkai while he lightly slapped his knee. "Hell, no, that kid is a trip."
A huge amount of relief flooded Kagome when she realized that Inuyasha hadn't been scared off by the rambunctious toddler. Honestly, a large part of her was thrilled that he was so happy at the thought of his nephew. "I take it you had fun last time." She said, giggling softly as her lips curled into a pleased grin.
"Yeah, we did." Inuyasha happily admitted before swiftly continuing. "He's a sweet kid."
"He is." She said softly before glancing at his notes. "Good gods. Your writing is shit, you know, that right?"
"Keh, It's not that bad." He vehemently defended. "You should see wolf turds notes. Shit, they are worse than mine, any day."
"Inuyasha!" Kagome quietly scolded, not at all surprised that Inuyasha would rag on the wolf demon. "Koga is our friend."
Her words caused the Inuyōkai to snort loudly. "He's your friend. The mangy wolf is not mine." He quipped, grinning widely and proudly at his declaration.
"You are terrible. You know that?" She said with a giggle, and a shake of her raven mane then proceeded to sort through her friend's awful notes.
After a long day at school and a bus ride, Kagome quietly slipped inside her childhood home, noticing the house was void of the usual activity. Setting her backpack on the seat and stepping out of her shoes, she quietly padded in the direction of the kitchen and paused when she heard the voice of her younger sibling. She glanced around the door frame and spied her little brother approaching the kitchen table.
"Mama?" Sōta questioned, his fingers nervously twisting together as he waited for a response.
Their mother glanced up from her reading and smiled warmly. "Yes, Sōta?"
Sōta was quiet for a few seconds as if he were trying to find the right words. "It's been a little over a month, shouldn't Kagome…I don't know… move on already?"
Their mother set down her book and motioned for Sōta to sit. "Ah, it is easy for you to say this because it does not affect you as deeply as it does your sister." She reached over and gently patted his cheek. "Sōta, my sweet boy, one should never presume to know when someone is ready to move on. That is for the grieving individual to decide." Pulling back, she picked up her teacup and took a sip before continuing. "Grief is very much like an onion. It has many layers, but each layer differs depending on the individual. Kagome is just beginning to heal. Eventually, she will start to shed those sections of grief and will be able to slowly go on with her life. The pain will always be there, but it will not hurt as bad as it did when the wound was fresh. Do you understand?"
His forehead wrinkled as he mulled over what his mother had said, then slowly shook his head. "Yes. I think so."
Their mother smiled brightly and gave his cheek another pat. "Good. Your sister needs our support during her time of grief." She then swiftly changed the subject. "Now, did you finish picking up your room?"
Sōta sheepishly scratched at the back of his neck. "Uh…No. I came down to get a drink," He said, scrambling to his feet, then started to walk backwards as he continued. "but I'm good now, so I'll just get going back to it."
Kagome quickly pressed against the wall, hoping her little brother wouldn't spot her as he hurried out of the room. Once he was no longer in sight, Kagome slipped into the kitchen and approached the elder Higurashi. "Hey, Mama."
If her mother had noticed that she had been eavesdropping in the hallway, the older woman never commented on it, instead, directed that warm and loving smile toward her. "Hello, Sweetheart. How was school?" Her mother asked while setting her book aside for the second time.
The conversation with her mother and brother was momentarily forgotten as the teen reflected on her day. "Good. I'm almost caught up with my homework, and Inuyasha and I are finally on good terms." revealed the young mother, a broad smile forming as she thought of the hanyō and how happy she was to finally have her friend back.
"Oh, that's wonderful!" Her mother's hands came together, and she gushed." I'm glad you two have finally made up. I know you were quite upset over it."
Being upset was an understatement, but now that was in the past, and Kagome just wanted to work on building their friendship. Plus, they are family now. "Yeah, I was, though, I'm happy that we're finally friends again," Kagome admitted, then looked about the room, not seeing her son. "It's awfully quiet. Where's the kiddo?"
"We had a rather busy day, and he fell asleep," Explained the older woman while she gathered up the empty teacup and set it on the tray.
It took a lot to tire out an inuyōkai pup, so they must have had one hell of a day. Kagome realized that she better wake her son up, otherwise, they would be up all night. "Well, I should get him up now, or we'll have a heck of a time getting him to bed later tonight." She explained, edging towards the doorway, wanting to get home so she could wind down for the day. "Plus, I still need to make supper and throw in a load of laundry."
"Of course. Let me know if you need any help?" offered her sweet and caring mother.
This woman already did so much. She didn't need to do anymore. Not that Kagome would say that to her. "If I do, I will." She said instead before taking a few steps to the door.
"Kagome?" Her mother's tender tone had the young woman pausing in the doorway and turning back in her direction.
"Yes, mama?" she asked, wondering what caused her mother's change in tone.
The older woman was quiet for a second as if she were debating on what to say. "Your brother…He means well and loves you very much."
Kagome wasn't surprised that her mother had known she was eavesdropping. That woman knew everything. She wished she would be the same once Malakai was older. "I know." She said. "Thank you for trying to explain."
"Always, my darling." The elder Higurashi paused before hesitantly speaking. "Are you okay?"
Kagome shrugged, not wanting to talk about herself. "Not really, but I'm getting there." She admitted before glancing at the clock and quickly changing the subject. "Wow, it's that late. Sesshōmaru will be home soon." She blew her bangs out of her blue eyes and flashed a brittle smile. "I love you, Mama."
Her mother simply nodded and let the conversation drop. A warm and loving smile suddenly gleamed her way. "I love you to the moon and back, my sweet girl." Came her mother's whispered response.
They bid each other goodnight before Kagome hurried to collect her sleeping child and made their way to their cabin in the woods.